Visiting Students
Want to take a class or two at SCC while you’re enrolled at another college? Here’s how to apply for admission.
We welcome visiting students from other colleges who want to round out their studies with classes at SCC. If you’re not currently enrolled in another school, apply as a first-time freshman or transfer student.
How to Apply
It’s easy to apply to SCC as a visiting student, and we’re here to help. Just follow these four steps:
- Submit the Application for Admission. It’s free, and it takes about 15 minutes to complete.
- Submit a Letter or Good Standing or an unofficial transcript from your home college. Unofficial transcripts must include
student name, college name, and a GPA of 2.0 or above. You may choose to send your
unofficial transcript to show prerequisites. The registrar’s office at your current
college will assist you.
- Explore financial aid. Visiting students are eligible for Financial Aid by completing a Consortium Agreement. Please contact the financial aid office at your home college to complete the request.
NOTE: If you have followed these steps and are unable to enroll yourself in classes due to pre-requisites or other issues, please send an email to SCC_CARE@kctcs.edu for the fastest assistance. Be sure to include the following information in your email:
- Your full name
- Your 9-digit ID number
- The courses you want to enroll. Include as much information about the course such as instructor, dates of class and/or course number
- By providing this information, you are providing us with permission to enroll you in the classes you wish to take.
Questions? Give us a call or send us an email. We look forward to welcoming you to SCC!