Security and Parking
Creating a safe and comfortable learning environment.
At Somerset Community College, we do everything in our power to ensure the safety and security of our students and staff members. This includes everything from emergency planning to ensuring that our campuses are free from offensive speech or behavior.
Learn more about our safety and security initiatives:
- Security Awareness Best Practices
- SNAP Emergency Reference Procedures Guide
- SCC Annual Security Report
- Safety Notification and Alert Procedure (SNAP)
- Video Surveillance Policy
- HIV Information
- Sexual Harassment Policy
- Kentucky Sex Offender Information
- Alcohol/Substance Abuse
- View SCC Crime Log
Bias incidents include conduct or behavior (verbal, nonverbal, or written) that is threatening, harassing, intimidating, discriminatory, or hostile and is based on a person’s identity or group affiliation, including (but not limited to) such things as race, age, disability status, gender, gender identity/expression, national origin, sexual orientation, or religion.
A hate crime is generally defined in federal and state statutes as a criminal offense
against a person or property that is motivated, in whole or in part, by the offender's
bias against the victim’s identity or group affiliation. Bias acts or hate crimes
do not include speech or behavior that an individual or the college merely disagrees
with or finds offensive.
Somerset Community College values freedom of thought and expression, respect for multiple
points of view, and the civil and open expression of these views. Thus, it is important
to note that
bias acts or hate crimes do not include speech or behavior that an individual or the
merely disagrees with or finds offensive.
Procedures for Reporting Incidents of Bias
We encourage the prompt and accurate reporting of all criminal matters occurring on the Somerset Community College campuses and centers. These incidents should be reported to the Security Coordinator, Paul Smith at (606) 872-4994 or any faculty or staff member who will then contact the local police. The campus emergency number is (606) 451-6911. The evening security at each campus or center can be reached by dialing the appropriate number for that campus or center.
Incidences of crimes must be reported in compliance with the Crime Awareness and Campus
Security Act of 1990. To obtain the security statistics for Somerset Community College
you may go to the SCC website at somerset.kctcs.edu, select Current Students, and
then choose Safety and
Campus Parking
Parking is open and free to all students and visitors at each of the Somerset Community College campuses. Consult our campus maps to locate the most convenient parking lot.
Campus Security
SCC has evening security at any campus or center location that offers evening classes.
Title IX Procedures
For more information, contact Title IX Coordinator Tracy Casada at tracy.casada@kctcs.edu.