SNAP Information | SCC

Campus Announcement:

SCC will be open on Friday, February 21, 2025. We understand that road conditions may vary across our service area. Students and employees should use their best judgment when deciding whether they can safely travel to campus. Be safe!

  • Students: If you cannot attend class in person, please communicate with your instructor.
  • Employees: If you are unable to make it to work, please coordinate with your supervisor.

SNAP Information

Emergency Reference Procedures Guide

For all emergencies: Call 911 and 16911

Emergency Numbers

Police, Fire, EMS 911
SNAP 16911
Security Coordinator - Paul Smith (606) 872-4994
Safety Coordinator - Shawn Stratmann (606) 451-6848

Day Shift Maintenance
Location Number
Somerset Campus North and Casey Center (606) 305-9381
Somerset Campus South (606) 305-9383
Laurel Campus North (606) 305-9386
Laurel Campus South (606) 305-9385
McCreary Center (606) 875-5889
Russell Center (606) 875-5846
Second Shift Maintenance
Location Number
Somerset Campus North (606) 875-0188
Somerset Campus South (606) 305-9376
Laurel Campus North (606) 305-9392
Laurel Campus South (606) 875-5822
Directors and Coordinators
Location Number
Casey Center (859) 787-6843
Russell Center (270) 858-6510
Clinton Center (606) 387-3788
McCreary Center (606) 376-7505
Laurel Campus (606) 878-4802
Somerset Campus (606) 679-8501
Security Officers
Location Number
Somerset Campus (606) 305-9390
Laurel Campus (606) 305-9398
McCreary Center (606) 875-5856
Russell Center (606) 875-5866
Clinton Center (606) 305-9388

If you receive a bomb threat you should:

  • Remain calm
  • Get someone’s attention to alert others of bomb threat. Have this person call 911
    and SNAP (16911).
  • Do not hang up, keep the caller on the line as long as possible, and listen carefully
    to any background noises you might hear.
  • Note the time of the call, person’s gender, accent, speech characteristics, and any
    other pertinent information.

Ask caller the following questions:

  • Where is the bomb?
  • When will it explode?
  • What will detonate it?
  • What does the bomb look like?
  • What kind of bomb is it?
  • When was it placed on campus?
  • Where are they calling from?
  • Are they a student or an employee?
  • Reason for placing the bomb?
  • Person’s name.

Earthquake Procedure

  • Stay where you are, most injuries occur when people try to enter or exit a
    building during an earthquake.
  • If indoors, take cover under a sturdy object or in a hallway.
  • Stay away from windows or bookshelves, watch for falling objects from desk or
    overhead storage.
  • If outside, move away from building and utility poles and lines.
  • If you’re driving, stop quickly and safely but do not exit vehicle.

Hazardous materials come in the form of explosives, chemicals, flammable and
combustible substances, and radioactive materials. These are often released due
to a chemical accident or transportation accident.

Be Prepared:

  • Review SCC Safety Plan Section IV. B
  • Know how to store and dispose of chemicals
  • Learn the meaning of labels on chemicals and hazardous substances
  • Find out how hazardous chemicals are handled, stored, and transported
  • Know where to find MSDS sheets on each substance

In the event of a spill:

  • Evacuate all persons from area
  • Avoid breathing vapors (Cover nose and mouth)
  • Determine if spill is life threatening
  • Contact proper authorities, 911 if serious, any contact name listed on the “Emergency Numbers” page, Maintenance & Operations or Building Supervisor
  • If flammable, turn off ignition and heat sources
  • Secure proper supplies for clean up if minor
  • Wear appropriate apparel during clean up
  • Notify 911 immediately followed by the names on the “Emergency Contact List”.
  • Do not attempt to move a person who is ill or injured unless they are in immediate danger of further injury.
  • Unless certified to provide first aid, do not attempt to render any first aid before trained assistance arrives.
  • Use personal protective equipment (gloves) when exposing yourself to bodily fluids (e.g. vomit, blood, etc.).
  • Comfort the victim and reassure them that medical attention is on the way.
  • If necessary, implement appropriate emergency procedure (e.g. Evacuation) to ensure that students, faculty, or staff are not exposed to trauma or danger.
  • Remain calm and reassure students, faculty, and staff that all possible actions are being taken to care for the injured or ill person and to protect others.
  • After the victim’s immediate needs have been taken care of, remain to assist medical services with pertinent information about the incident.
  • Preserve the scene in the event the incident will require an investigation by school or police officials.
  • Teachers, rejoin your students as soon as possible. Take your student roster with you and account for all students once you have reached a designated area.
  • Complete accident/incident form as directed by SCC Safety Plan.

Pandemic flu occurs when a new influenza virus appears or emerges in the human
population and causes a global outbreak of the disease resulting in serious illness and
high mortality.

Community results

  • Gatherings of people may be limited
  • Hospitals could be overcrowded
  • Contact your local Health Department

College Effect

  • Large numbers of staff, faculty, and students absent
  • Loss of services from suppliers (food, mechanical, etc.)

College Plan

  • President and leadership team will monitor and make decisions about closings.
  • Adequate supplies of disinfecting soaps, tissues, cleaning supplies will be made
  • Increase disinfection of shared work areas.
  • Plan for decrease in functions of college.

Hostile situations should be reported immediately to 911 and SNAP (16911). These situations will require the assistance of outside emergency responders as well as efforts from Campus Security, M&O and other college personnel.

  • Secure the area (building or buildings) and make sure the area is safe.
  • All emergencies must be reported first to 911 and then to the SNAP (16911).
  • If you are in immediate danger seek cover, do not try to be a hero.
  • If you are outdoors, alert others to take immediate cover. Do not move
    from a safe location if you are protected from gun fire. Head to closest,
    safe building only if you can do so without exposing yourself to gun
  • If you are in a building stay in a secure area, lock all doors in your area.
  • Try to keep individuals in your area calm.
  • Do not leave a safe area until told to do so by the appropriate authority.
  • Keep others away from windows and doors.
  • Be ready to guide emergency services if needed.
  • Key is to act quickly, safely, and wait for the all clear from appropriate authority.

If you are not in immediate danger, stay away from the area of the incident.

Each building on all campuses and centers has a designated tornado
shelter area that is clearly marked.

  • In the event of a tornado you will be instructed to go to the nearest
    shelter and wait there for the all clear from authorized personnel.
  • It is not recommended that a person leave the campus during a tornado
  • Stay away from windows, doors and exterior walls.
  • Do not stay in a vehicle during a tornado warning.
  • Remember a tornado “watch” means that conditions are favorable for
    a tornado, a tornado “warning” means that a tornado has been spotted
    in the area.