Activities & Organizations | SCC

Activities & Organizations

Whether you want to join a student organization that relates to your career, community service, hobbies or social/environmental causes, there is a club for you here at SCC. To learn more about specific student organizations here on SCC’s campus, click on the appropriate link to contact the organization’s sponsor.

If you see an organization you would like to join, but it is not available on your campus or at your center, contact us. We may be able to locate a sponsor for the organization. Don’t see what you’re looking for? You can even start your own student organization! Contact for more information!

Description: Active Minds is dedicated to opening up the conversation about mental health and promoting change in the way mental health is talked about, cared for and valued on the college campus and in the community. This student led organization is an officially recognized college chapter under the National non-profit that advocates with hundreds of other US colleges in reducing mental health stigma.

Who may join?  SCC students, faculty, and staff.

Join our club today!

Location: Current representatives on Somerset and Laurel campuses, all locations welcome.

Sponsors/Contacts: Students interested in becoming an Active Minds member and participating in Active Minds events may contact staff sponsor Angela Swim, faculty sponsors: Angie Broyles, George Martinez or Megan Weatherford

Links: Active Minds - Changing the conversation about mental health

Active Minds student outside by the active mind table

Description: The Cosmetology Club is the registered student organization representing the interests of students planning a career in cosmetology. 

Who may join? The club is open to students in SCC’s cosmetology programs.

Locations: Somerset

Sponsors/contacts: Jennifer Owens

Charities of choice: The Cosmetology Club hosts an annual toy drive and event for needy children in the fall semester. It is one of SCC’s best known traditions!

Other: Are you interested in getting involved or in bringing our group to your campus or center? Come to our meetings and help lead the efforts to expand! 

Links: Cosmetology

Description: The SCC Fruit of the Lens Photography Club was formed to provide a setting where SCC students, staff, and faculty can come together to share digital images and discuss photography. The club conducts several activities throughout the year including member exhibits, a community photo contest, and community service projects.

Who may join? The club is open to student, staff/faculty, and the public. Only students may run for and hold appointed offices.

Locations: Somerset

Sponsors/contacts: Cindy Burton, Stuart Simpson


Description: Mu Alpha Theta is a national mathematics honor society that recognizes excellence in mathematics. 

Who may join? Students from all campuses may join, with meetings held in Somerset. Membership is by invitation only. It is based upon the student’s overall GPA and the student’s 

Locations: Somerset

Sponsors/contacts: Kathy Lewis

Other: Google the National High School and Two-Year College Mathematics Honor Society to learn more.

students playing a game outsideDescription: Our mission is to create a club where everyone – regardless of culture, age, race, gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic status or other ways in which differences can be expressed – can not only feel safe and secure, but valued, as well. We celebrate diversity and nurture new ideas. 

Who may join? We welcome anyone and everyone to join.

Location: Laurel & Somerset

Melinda Allen, Amanda Waterstrat 
Somerset: Elaine Wilson, George Martinez

Charities of choice: The club has raised funds for minority and international student scholarships in the past.


Description: Established in 1918, Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society, or PTK serves to recognize and encourage the academic achievement of two-year college students and provide opportunities for individual growth and development through scholarship, leadership and service programming.  Today, Phi Theta Kappa is the largest honor society in American higher education with more than 2.5 million members and 1,275 chapters located around the world.  Omicron Zeta is the Somerset Community College Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa.

Who may join? Membership in Omicron Zeta, the Somerset Community College Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa, is offered by invitation only to students who have earned a minimum GPA of 3.5 and have completed at least 12 hours of coursework in credit-bearing courses.


Scholarships: The average member receives $2,500 in transfer scholarships for two years.

Skills: Members become leaders and learn the importance of serving their communities.

Honor: Top students are awarded for academic success.

Support: You will make connections in the organization that can lead to lifelong friendships and 
mentoring opportunities with students and professionals around the world.

Location: Phi Theta Kappa meetings are held on the Somerset and Laurel Campuses but members from any center or campus are invited to participate.

Casey, Clinton, Laurel, McCreary & Russell: Dr. Amanda Waterstrat
Somerset: Johnna Atkinson-Bigelow, Alena Morrow & Sarah Modgling


phi theta kappa members

Description: The SCC Physical Therapy Student Organization provides students interested in the field of physical therapy with opportunities to become involved in campus and community service activities related to health and fitness.  The club’s aim is to provide learning, leadership, and communication opportunities among its members and to promote the physical therapy profession. 

Who may join? Membership includes students enrolled in SCC’s PTA Program and pre-PT / PTA students, but also includes students who simply wish to be more active in their community.

Location: Somerset North

Sponsors/contacts: Students interested in becoming active in the organization may contact faculty sponsors Ron Meade ( and Steve Hammons ( for more information.

Charities of choice: Nationally, the program raises funds for physical therapy through activities that benefit the Foundation for Physical Therapy.  The program also participates in other projects for Special Olympics, the March of Dimes, and local homeless shelters, among others.

Links: Physical Therapist Assistant Program 

pysical therapist assistant club students at the kentucky special olympics state games in Richmond, ky over summer

Description: The Radiography Student Organization was developed to support students interested in a career in radiography and currently enrolled in the program.

Who may join? Current Radiography Program Students

Location: Somerset

Sponsors/contacts: Doyle Decker

Charities of choice: The group fundraises and collects items for Bethany House.

Link: Radiography Program

Description: Skills USA is composed of students who compete at local, regional and national competitions in various selected areas. Many SCC students have competed in and won national awards through the program.

Who may join? Only selected students within specific disciplines. These include, but are not limited to cosmetology, criminal justice and several technical programs.

Locations: Laurel & Somerset

Laurel: Brandy Brock, Regina Swanner
Somerset: Joni Upchurch

Charities of choice: The group fundraises and collects items for Bethany House.


Description: SCC’s SGA serves as a voice for all college students, acts as the chartering body for student organizations and coordinates campus events. 

Who may join? Only students elected to an executive office, elected as a campus/center delegate, or serving as a student organization representative may vote on SGA issues. However, all students may attend scheduled SGA meetings. 

Location: Casey, Clinton, Laurel, McCreary, Russell & Somerset

Sponsors/contacts: Tracy CasadaJeff Brickley

Note: Elections for executive officers and delegates are held each spring.

Link: Student Government Association

Description: Our Mission is to aid Veterans, Active Duty, Reservist, National Guard, and family members to transition from military life to the classroom. We are student veterans helping student veterans and family members transitioning from military life to the classroom. We provide a forum for veterans and their family members to discuss issues that are effecting them in transitioning to the classroom. We understand because we have been there. We want to help make your college experience as enjoyable as it can be. We understand the trials and tribulation that come with transitioning from military service to the classroom. 

Who may join? We are open to membership from all students and faculty in the Somerset Community College System. However, only veterans may hold office. 

Location: Somerset

Sponsors/contacts: James Taylor, Rosetta Berry