Foster/Adoptive Waivers
Foster and Adopted Children Waiver Eligibility Requirements
KRS 164.2847
Tuition/Fees Waiver for Foster Children or Adopted Children who are or were a ward of the court. Foster and Adopted students may apply for the tuition waiver up to four years after graduating from high school. Eligibility for the waiver lasts for a period of one hundred fifty (150) consecutive or nonconsecutive credit hours earned, after first admittance to any Kentucky institution if satisfactory progress is achieved or maintained up to age twenty-eight (28). Students may be full-time or part-time and must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid.
Please note: waivers do not cover digital content “e-textbook” charges. These must be paid by the student.
If you believe that you may be eligible for this waiver, please complete and submit the initial application to the Office of Admissions for further processing.
To receive the waiver you must:
- Register for your classes
- Submit the initial paperwork for your waiver to the Records office, Roger Commons
Room 101 Somerset North Campus, Building #3 Room 112 on the Laurel North Campus, or
email it to cindy.brown@kctcs.edu
*Please note that paperwork that must be approved by the government may require up to a 30-day processing period.
- Check your email regularly for communication regarding required documentation or approval of your waiver
- After you receive notification that your waiver has been applied, wait 24 hours and then check your student account to make sure that the waiver has been processed through the Bursar's Office
Donovan Scholar Waiver
Donovan Scholar Waiver Eligibility Requirements
KRS 164.284
Donovan Scholar Waiver for the Elderly - tuition and fees for persons 65 years of age and older are to be waived at public postsecondary education institutions. If classes are filled, the institution may deny "admission."
If you believe that you may be eligible for this waiver, please submit a copy of your driver s license to the Office of Admissions for verification of age and residency.
Please note: waivers do not cover digital content “e-textbook” charges. These must be paid by the student.
To receive the waiver you must:
- Register for your classes
- Submit a photocopy of driver’s license to the Admissions office, or email it to Cindy.brown@kctcs.edu
- Check your email regularly for communication regarding required documentation or approval of your waiver
- After you receive notification that your waiver has been applied, wait 24 hours and then check your student account to make sure that the waiver has been processed through the Bursar's Office
KCTCS Employees
It is recommended that you initiate the process of verification of tuition payment by the school you are employed before you register for classes at Somerset Community College. Generally, payment should only be made if you are taking more than 6 hours. KCTCS will not pay for an employee to audit a class. Contact the Human Resources office for the school you are employed for more information. With issues regarding the waiver being applied, contact the Registrar's Office at 606-451-6630.