Do you have good grades, or do you have financial need? If so, we encourage you to explore scholarships at SCC. Scholarships are funds that reward your hard work, and they don't have to be repaid.
Scholarships are available from a variety of places, including SCC, the government, and some private organizations. To explore scholarship opportunities offered by community groups and other private groups, see External Scholarships or ask our scholarship coordinator.
Applying for SCC Scholarships
It's easy to apply for a scholarship at SCC, and we're here to help. All you need to do is:
- Have a minimum of a 2.5 (cumulative) GPA unless otherwise specified
- Submit the online application by the due date.
- Check your email often for updates to your account. That's it!
SCC Scholarships
SCC awarded 1,273 scholarships that totaled $1,831,325 during the 2023-2024 academic year, with individual awards ranging from $250 to $2,500.
Scholarship Offerings
Endowed Scholarships
SCC offers scholarships to students thanks to many generous organizations and individuals who make gifts to SCC expressly for this purpose. Endowed scholarships are permanently invested and the annual income generated from the investment is used to provide scholarships. Endowed scholarships are generally renewable and continue from year to year. SCC is honored to have been the recipient of numerous scholarship endowments and is pleased to offer the following to students who meet the scholarship criteria, and as funds allow:
Casey County Bank Scholarship ($1000 per semester for tuition or books)
Elwanda Brinkley Scholarship (12-hour tuition per semester) - established in 2007 from the funds bequeathed by Ms. Brinkley, the scholarship provides opportunity to students seeking degrees in elementary education and who demonstrates financial need.
Ida Catherine Marshall Scholarship (12- hour tuition per semester) was established in 2020 from the funds donated by Ms. Marshall. The scholarship provides an opportunity to students who graduated from the Pulaski County High School, demonstrate financial need, and maintain a 3.0 GPA.
John Sherman Cooper Scholarship (6-hour tuition per semester) - established in 1972 by the Somerset-Pulaski County Chamber of Commerce in memory of Senator John Sherman Cooper, the scholarship provides an opportunity for an SCC student.
Richard E. and Cornelia Cooper Endowed Scholarship (6-hour tuition per semester) - established in 2005 by long-time friends and supporters of SCC, Richard and Cornelia Cooper, the scholarship provides an opportunity for a student who maintains a 3.0 grade point average and preference is for a student who demonstrates financial need.
William and Julia Cundiff Endowed Scholarship (12-hour tuition per semester) - established in 2008 through the generosity of Mr. and Mrs. Cundiff, who bequeathed funds to SCC for scholarships for students who are enrolled in a high wage/high demand or transfer program and demonstrate financial need.
Mattie Helen Elliott Scholarship (12-hour tuition per semester) – was established due to the generosity of Somerset native, Mattie Helen Elliott. Ms. Elliott’s estate is held in trust at First and Farmers Bank for Pulaski County residents to attend Somerset Community College. The Mattie Helen Elliott Scholarship is for twelve credit hours of tuition, as approved by the Kentucky Community and Technical College System Board of Regents. Students must be residents of Pulaski County, Kentucky (residents who have lived in such county for at least two years) and high school seniors, high school graduates or recipients of a general equivalency diploma (GED) who are enrolled or planning to enroll in a course of study at SCC. Recipients must demonstrate financial need, be enrolled full time and maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.5.
Elliott Family Trust Scholarship (12-hour tuition per semester) – was established due to the generosity of three sisters who were residents of Casey County. The estates of Ms. Floss Ann Elliott Merideth, Ms. Flona Belle Elliott Shealy and Ms. Montie Carr Elliott are held in trust at Kentucky Trust Company for Casey County residents to attend Somerset Community College. The Elliott Family Trust Scholarship is for assistance to qualified recipients in meeting their educational expenses at SCC. Students must be a resident of Casey County, KY, with preference given to residents of the Mt. Olive community in Casey County (have legal continuous residence in such county or community for the one-year period immediately preceding application for a scholarship and high school senior, high school graduate or recipient of a general equivalency diploma (GED) who is enrolled or planning to enroll in a course of study at SCC. Recipients must demonstrate financial need, be enrolled at SCC full time and maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.5.
First United Methodist Church Leonard and Stella Hislope Memorial Scholarship (6-hour tuition per semester) - established in 2000 by the First United Methodist Church in memory of Leonard and Stella Hislope, the scholarships are awarded to high school graduates of Pulaski County who demonstrate financial need.
Ernest Gadberry Endowed Fund ($1,000 per semester for tuition or books) - was established in 2005 from funds bequeathed by Ernest Gadberry to provide scholarships to students enrolled in technical high wage/high demand programs who demonstrate financial need.
J.C. Goode Memorial Scholarship (12-hour tuition per semester) - established at SCC by the First Christian Church of Somerset in memory of J.C. Goode, prominent Somerset business man in the early 1900’s, the scholarships provide an opportunity for students in Casey, Pulaski, and McCreary counties who are enrolled in a high wage/high demand or transfer program.
State Representative Leonard Hislope Memorial Scholarship (6-hour tuition per semester) - established in 1997 from funds bequeathed by Stella Hislope in memory of her husband, the scholarship provides an opportunity for a student who demonstrates financial need.
Sam J. Hord Memorial Scholarship (6-hour tuition per semester) - established in 1980 in memory of South Kentucky Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation’s manager (1942-1974), the scholarship provides an opportunity for a student who resides in Pulaski County or an adjacent county and demonstrates financial need.
Clarence Whitman Hume Scholarship (6-hour tuition per semester) - established in 1972 in memory of the former principal of Stearns High School and former editor of the McCreary County Record, the scholarship is awarded to students from McCreary County.
Roscoe Kelley Memorial Scholarship (6-hour tuition per semester) is awarded annually in memory of Dr. Roscoe D. Kelley, who served as president of SCC from 1966 to 1984, to students who maintain a 3.0 grade point average, are a resident within the fourteen-county area, with a preference to those who demonstrate financial need.
Ruby Kelley Scholarship (6-hour tuition per semester) was established in 2011 to provide up to three scholarships to students who maintain a 3.0 grade point average and who are a resident within the fourteen-county area. The scholarship is for students who are enrolled in a high wage/high demand or transfer program, with preference given to those who demonstrate financial need.
Barney LaFavers Scholarship ($500 per semester for tuition or books) is awarded to practical nursing students. The scholarship is awarded in honor of Ms. LaFavers, who was the first home health nurse in Pulaski County.
Lake Cumberland Regional Hospital Scholarship (6-hour tuition per semester) provides scholarships for students in the allied health programs from eleven counties who maintain a 3.2 grade point average, with preference to those who demonstrate financial need. It was established in 1996 by Lake Cumberland Regional Hospital.
Ata Lee Memorial Scholarship (6-hour tuition per semester) - established through the generosity of Ata Lee. Ms. Lee left a portion of her estate to establish an endowment to assist qualified students in obtaining an education at SCC.
Dorothy Murrell Scholarship (12-hour tuition per semester) was established in 2012 through the generosity of Dorothy Murrell. Ms. Murrell, a retired dedicated school teacher, left her estate to provide scholarships to students who are enrolled in a high wage/high demand or transfer program and to those who demonstrate financial need.
Virginia Murrell Scholarship (12-hour tuition per semester) was established in 2012 through the generosity of Virginia Murrell. Ms. Murrell, a retired dedicated school teacher, left her estate to provide scholarships to students who are enrolled in a high wage/high demand or transfer program and to those who demonstrate financial need.
W.O. and Lois Newell Scholarship (for SGA and Student Ambassadors) - established in 2010 from funds bequeathed by Mr. and Mrs. Newell to provide scholarships to students attending SCC.
Terry Norfleet Scholarship (for Honors Program students) - established through the generosity of Eleanor Terry Norfleet. Ms. Norfleet, a faculty member who taught English literature at SCC until her retirement, left a portion of her estate to provide scholarships for students at SCC.
Orwin Nursing Scholarship Fund (12-hour tuition per semester) - established in 2004 by The Mohn Family Foundation to provide scholarships to associate degree nursing students, with a preference to non-traditional students.
Clellan Prewitt Memorial Scholarship (6-hour tuition per semester) - established in 2007 from funds bequeathed by Mr. Prewitt to provide scholarships to students.
Leora Prewitt Memorial Scholarship (6-hour tuition per semester) - established through the generosity of Leora Prewitt. Mrs. Prewitt left a portion of her estate to assist students in obtaining an education at SCC.
Richie/Cooper Scholarship Endowment (6-hour tuition per semester) - established in 2005 in honor of Juanita Cooper Richie and in memory of Leland George Richie, the scholarship provides an opportunity to students who are residents of McCreary County and have earned a GED through the McCreary County Adult Education Program. Recipients must maintain a 2.0 grade point average to renew.
Ralph Shearer Scholarship (6-hour tuition per semester) is awarded to nursing students from the ten-county area who maintain a 3.0 grade point average, with preference to those who demonstrate financial need. The scholarship is given in memory of Lake Cumberland Home Health’s board chairman for many years.
Anna C. Short Memorial Scholarship (6-hour tuition per semester) was established through the generosity of Anna C. Short. Ms. Short left a portion of her estate to assist a student who demonstrate financial need in obtaining an education at SCC.
Lillie Thorne Spradlin Memorial Scholarship (12-hour tuition per semester) provides scholarships for students who graduated from a high school in Pulaski County and who demonstrate financial need. The scholarship was established in 1984 by Dr. Marion C. Spradlin in memory of his wife.
Morris E. and Katherine M. Strunk Scholarship (12-hour tuition per semester) provides scholarships for residents of McCreary County, who are enrolled in a high wage/high demand or transfer program and have maintained a grade point average of between 2.5 – 3.5. The scholarship was established in 2006 by Mrs. Strunk.
Lewis and Anna Waddle Scholarship (6-hour tuition per semester) - established in 1976 by John Waddle in honor of his parents. Preference is given to students from Pulaski County who demonstrate financial need.
William Martin Wyatt, Jr. Scholarship (6-hour tuition per semester) - established in 1972 by William and Carolyn Wyatt in memory of their son, who was an alumnus of SCC, the scholarship provides an opportunity for an SCC student.
Dr. And Mrs. Robert N. McLeod Memorial Scholarship (12- hour tuition per semester) was established in 2021 from the funds donated by Dr. Ken Gibbs. The scholarship provides an opportunity to students who have been accepted into the ADN or LPN program with preferences given to students pursuing pediatric nursing. Student must also maintain a 3.0 GPA.
Avery and Lois Hatfield Education Scholarship was established in 2022 in honor of the late Mr. Avery Hatfield and Mrs. Lois Hatfield. The Hatfields loved their community and served tirelessly in education, agriculture, sports, and volunteered with many non-profit organizations. This scholarship will be awarded to a student seeking a career in education and pursuing a teaching certificate. Applicants must be a resident of Pulaski County, attended one of the three school systems in Pulaski County, demonstrate academic success and maintain a 3.0 GPA, and demonstrate financial need.
Griffin Family Scholarship was established in 2022 in memory of Clarence Smith Griffin who served as a rural school teacher for several years in Pulaski County in the early twentieth century. This scholarship will be awarded to students who are seeking a career in education with a teaching certificate or has been accepted in the ADN or LPN program. Applicants must be a resident of Pulaski County, demonstrate financial need, and maintain at least a 2.5 GPA.
Richard and Helen Cornele Endowed Scholarship was established in 2023 in memory of Dick and Helen Cornele. The Corneles were the Director and co-director of the Big Brothers -Big Sisters of Pulaski County and long-time supporters of Somerset Community College. Applicants must be a non-traditional, single parent, demonstrate financial need and maintain at least a 2.5 GPA.
Wanda Bolze’ Endowed Scholarship was established in 2023 in memory of Wanda Bolze’, who served as a faculty member of Somerset Community College. For many years the proceeds of the annual Wanda Bolze’ book sale contributed to the support and continuation of the scholarship. This scholarship is awarded to a female student, in their 2nd year at SCC and in full-time status, who demonstrates financial need.
Somerset Pulaski County Chamber Endowed Scholarship was established in 2023 to create ongoing scholarship opportunities for a recent graduate of an accredited high school in Pulaski County. Applicants must demonstrate financial need and maintain at least a 2.5 GPA.
Paul Jones Family Endowed Scholarship ($1,000/semester) — The family of the late Paul Jones has established the Paul Jones Family Endowed Scholarship to help Jackson County high school students who want to pursue a college degree in a technical or health care field. The recipient must be from Jackson County and a recent graduate of Jackson County High School. They must be enrolled full-time in a high-wage, high-demand program which includes technical and healthcare programs at SCC. They must also demonstrate financial need based on the criteria established by the scholarship committee and maintain a 2.5 GPA to continue on the scholarship.
Marjorie Young Barrett Scholarship — This scholarship is in memory of Marjorie Young Barrett, a long time supporter of SCC and will benefit a SCC student who resides in Clay or Pulaski County.
Annual Scholarships
SCC offers a variety of annual scholarships to deserving students, thanks to many generous organizations and individuals who make gifts to SCC expressly for this purpose. Annual scholarships may continue from year to year, or the scholarship may be a one-time award. SCC is honored to have been the recipient of numerous annual scholarships and is pleased to offer the following to students who meet the scholarship criteria, and as funds allow:
BEAM Scholarship ($500 per semester)
Jack Ford Boy Scout Memorial Scholarship ($500 per semester for tuition)
Kody Thacker Scholarship ($500 per semester for tuition)
Toni Pendley/First Baptist Church Nursing Scholarship ($500 per semester for tuition)
Betty Nelson Memorial Scholarship ($500 per semester for tuition)
Somerset Junior Womans Club Scholarship ($500 per semester for tuition)
Rose Bullock Nursing Scholarship ($1,000 per semester for tuition)
Mark Isham Fine Arts Scholarship ($500 per semester for tuition for one year)
Cheryll McCrarey/Lake Cumberland Women’s Club Scholarship ($500 per semester for tuition)
Weddle Family Scholarship Fund for Laurel Campus Diesel Technology ($2,500 per semester for tuition and supplies)
Randall and Victoria Weddle Scholarship ($1,500 per semester for tuition)
Alexis Weddle Scholarship ($1,500 per semester for tuition)
Christian Blake Weddle Memorial Scholarship ($1,500 per semester for tuition)
Lucas Weddle Scholarship ($1,500 per semester for tuition)
Nicholas Weddle Scholarship ($1,500 per semester for tuition)
Clorox Company Minority Scholarship ($1000 per semester for tuition)
Casey County Chamber of Commerce Scholarship($500 per semester for tuition or books)
Citizens National Bank of Somerset Scholarship ($2500 per semester for tuition or books)
TTAI Community Workforce Development Scholarship ($1000 per semester for any educational expense)
Gator Made Performance Award ($1000 per semester)
Business Entrepreneur Scholarship ($500 per semester for tuition or books)
Students who have received the Governor’s Scholar or Roger's Scholar award are eligible for the SCC Presidential Scholarship. The scholarship is valued at up to twelve credit hours of SCC tuition per semester.
- Student must have completed the Governor’s Scholar or Roger's Scholar program and provide a copy of the certificate of completion.
- Student must maintain a 3.0 grade point average.
- Student must maintain full-time program enrollment status.
- Students must enroll at SCC within the initial Fall semester after graduating from high school.
KCTCS Presidential Scholarship
The criteria for the KCTCS Presidential Scholarship are determined locally with encouragement toward academic merit, diversity of student populations, and college enrollment goals.
1. ACT Composite score of 23 or higher
2. Grade point average of 3.25 or higher Students may receive the KCTCS Presidential Scholarship up to two additional semesters as long as they maintain a grade point average of 3.25 of higher and are enrolled in at least six credit hours. KCTCS Presidential Scholarships may be used for tuition, books, and other related educational expenses.
KCTCS Commonwealth Scholarship
The KCTCS Commonwealth Scholarship was created during the 1988 regular session of the General Assembly to encourage Kentucky’s high scholastic achieving students to attend college in Kentucky. Awards are based on the availability of funds and preference will be given to the most qualified students who meet the academic standards.
The Commonwealth scholarships are available to Kentucky residents; and current year high school graduates in the top quartile of their high school graduating class; or prior year high school graduates in the top quartile of their high school graduating class.
Students awarded the Commonwealth Scholarship may earn a second year award provided they have successfully completed at least 24 credit hours at a KCTCS institution, maintained a 3.0 grade point average, and they are enrolled in at least six credit hours. KCTCS Commonwealth Scholarships may be used for tuition, books, and other related educational expenses.
1. Kentucky Residency
2. Current year high school graduates in the top quartile of their high school graduating class; or prior year high school graduates in the top quartile of their high school graduating class
Additional KCTCS Scholarships
In addition to the KCTCS Presidential and KCTCS Commonwealth Scholarships, KCTCS provides Somerset Community College with additional scholarship opportunities. The following scholarships follow the same process for other SCC scholarships with the addition of a second application which can be obtained from the Scholarship Coordinator.
The Kentucky Colonels Better Life Scholarship
The Kentucky Colonels Scholarship is a scholarship that is awarded to two students in the annual amount of $3,000.00 each ($1,500.00 per semester). The scholarship is renewable provided requirements are met. Funding is also available for summer sessions.
- The scholarship recipient must be primarily, a first time/or near first time student.
- Enrolled as full-time student (12 hours)
- Currently employed (work study counts)
- A single parent with children under the age of 12\
- Enrolled in a degree seeking program.
Xometry Machinist and Technician Scholarship
- GPA 2.0+;
- Unmet financial need;
- Enrolled in 6+ SCC credit hours;
- Academic program: Machine Tool, CNC operator, exploratory machining, CNC machinist, tool & die apprentice; CNC machining & waterjet technology, or computerized manufacturing & machining;
- Amount pro-rated based on hours of enrollment.
Robert Stephen Weimann Scholarship
- Full time student
- Non Traditional (age 25 or older)
- Unmet Financial Need
- Resident of Harlan County
- GPA 2.5 or greater
The Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority (KHEAA) provides and administers a wide array of scholarship opportunities. These scholarships follow the guidelines outlined by KHEAA and its affiliates. More information can be found at www.kheaa.com.
Here are some of the scholarship opportunities that KHEAA provides:
Kentucky Education Excellence Scholarship (KEES)
The KEES program provides scholarships to Kentucky students who earn at least a 2.5 GPA each year they attend a certified Kentucky high school. The better they do in high school, the more they earn toward college. Students may also earn awards for ACT/SAT scores and Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB) or Cambridge Advanced International (CAI) test scores. Home school and GED graduates may earn awards based on their ACT scores.
Early Childhood Development Scholarship (ECDS)
The Early Childhood Development Scholarship helps Kentuckians who work in daycares and preschool settings earn credentials, certificates and degrees in the field of early childhood education.
To qualify for an Early Childhood Development Scholarship, a student must:
- Be a Kentucky resident.
- Be a U.S. citizen, national or permanent resident.
- Be enrolled in a qualifying program of study at a participating institution pursuing one of the approved credentials.
- Maintain satisfactory academic progress as determined by the student’s institution.
- Be employed at least 20 hours weekly in a participating early childhood facility or be employed as a preschool associate teacher in a state-funded pre-school program.
- Not be eligible for state or federal training funds through Head Start, a public preschool program, or First Steps.
- Have no unpaid financial obligation to KHEAA or to any other Title IV program.
- Agree to a service commitment based on the credential pursued.
Approved Programs of Study
The following programs of study (majors) have been approved for the Early Childhood Development Scholarship program:
- Child Development Associate Credential
- Associate’s degree in early childhood education
- Bachelor’s degree in interdisciplinary early childhood education or a related program approved by the Early Childhood Development Authority
- Master’s degree in interdisciplinary early childhood education
- Kentucky Early Childhood Development Director’s Certificate
Work Ready KY Scholarship
Kentucky needs trained workers to meet increasing demands in our fastest growing workforce industries. The Work Ready Kentucky Scholarship provides financial assistance for eligible Kentuckians who are pursuing an industry recognized certificate, diploma, or associate of applied science degree.
Work Ready Kentucky Scholarship can work for you if you:
- Are looking for a career in healthcare, manufacturing, construction, logistics, business, transportation and logistics, or information technology
- Do not have enough grants/scholarships (Pell, CAP, SEOG, KEES, etc.) to cover your tuition. Work Ready is a “last dollar” scholarship
- Want to take up to 60 credit hours tuition free
Haven’t already completed an associate or bachelor degree - Are not in default on any Title IV or KHEAA administered program
Institutional Scholarships
The SCC Academic Achievement Scholarship is a scholarship granted to the top ten percent of select area high schools. It is valued at a fifty percent reduction of remaining SCC tuition for up to twelve (12) credit hours after other scholarships are applied. The scholarship may be received up to four semesters providing requirements are met. The top ten percent lists are verified by each high school’s guidance counselor to SCC’s Scholarship Coordinator by submission of the High School Verification form.
- Student must complete the SCC Scholarship Application.
- Student must be in the top ten percent of their graduating high school class.
- Student must maintain a 3.0 grade point average.
- Student must enroll at SCC within the initial Fall semester after graduating from high school.
Somerset Community College Student Ambassadors represent and promote the college at campus and community events, assist with recruiting efforts, campus tours and provide information about SCC to prospective students, school groups and the general public.
Program Benefits:
- Students will be required to complete 40 event hours per semester and will receive a scholarship equivalent to 6 hours each semester
- Ambassador scholarships are funded by the W.O. and Lois Newell Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Training in areas such as professional etiquette, leadership, communication skills and customer service
- The opportunity to network with community leaders
- Uniforms provided
- A great resume builder!
For more information or to apply, see the Student Ambassador Program.
The mission of the Somerset Community College Honors Program is to encourage academic excellence, campus and community engagement, cultural awareness, and personal growth among highly motivated students in all disciplines. Honors students collaborate with faculty mentors in enhanced learning experiences that foster student success and improve life in their communities.
Program benefits
- $500 scholarship
- Honors designated courses
- Honors designation on transcript for students who successfully complete the program
- Designated honors faculty mentor
- Opportunities for cultural enrichment and civic engagement
- Scholarship to cover a portion of the membership fee for Phi Theta Kappa, the international honor society for community colleges
- Summer orientation experience (Somerset and Laurel campuses)
Applicants will be selected on the basis of GPA, composite ACT scores, essay, and
letter of recommendation.
For more information and to apply, visit the Honors Program webpage.
You could receive a scholarship worth up to $10,000 per academic year! Students who qualify will receive a one-time transfer scholarship of $4,000!
Scholarship Selection Requirements:
- Must be a Pell grant-eligible student based on financial need from a completed Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
- Academically talented – Math ACT of 22 or H.S. GPA of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale.
- If your High school GPA is below 3.5 or Math ACT below 22, two letters of recommendation are required.
- Students must be enrolled at least 6 credit hours per semester in a qualifying STEM program leading to an associate degree in Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, or Pre-Engineering.
- Scholarship recipients must be US Citizens, US Nationals, aliens admitted as refugees
under section 207 of the Immigration and Nationality Act, or aliens lawfully admitted
to the United States for permanent residence.
To continue to receive the scholarship, recipients must: - Maintain a minimum college GPA of 3.0.
- Demonstrate financial need.
- Be enrolled at least half-time (6 credit hours) each fall and spring semester in a qualifying STEM program.
- Interact with their Mentor for at least 6 hours per semester.
Contact the scholarship office for more information at sccscholarships@kctcs.edu or 606-451-6644.
This scholarship is supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 2030801.
Application Requirements and Renewal Process
- A completed scholarship application
- A completed admissions application
- Minimum of a 2.5 (cumulative) GPA
- Complete the FAFSA (in addition to steps 1-5) to be considered for the financial need
scholarships. If you choose not to fill out the FAFSA then applicants will only be
considered for Merit based scholarships.
Financial Need Scholarships: Preference is given to those who fall in the “gap range”, namely those who may not receive outside assistance for educational expenses. Primarily, this would affect students in the middle-income range. However, both students with federal financial aid eligibility and students who have no federal aid eligibility are not excluded.
- Student completes the online Scholarship Application.
- Scholarship Committee Reviews and scores applications.
- Scholarships are awarded based on individual criteria and reviewer scores.
- Scholarship Coordinator notifies Student of Award via email.
- Student has 10 days to accept Scholarship.
- No response or Decline: Scholarship is awarded to another student.
- Accept: The scholarship is posted to the student account.
Scholarship Renewal Process
Scholarships may be renewed up to four semesters. Renewals are completed on a semester by semester basis. The Scholarship Coordinator contacts the scholarship recipients and notifies them of the deadline. Students must respond by the appropriate deadline in order to be considered for continuation.
Fifth Renewal Process
Scholarships may be renewed up to four semesters, and in some occasions students may request a fifth semester. The Scholarship Coordinator contacts the scholarship recipients and notifies them of the deadline. A fifth semester request must be completed by the student and returned to the Scholarship Coordinator by the appropriate deadline. Fifth semester requests are determined by the scholarship committee and all decisions are final. The Scholarship Coordinator notifies the students requesting a fifth semester of the committee’s decision.
Scholarship Warning/Termination Process
Students receiving scholarships are required to meet all the scholarship criteria in order to continue as a recipient. Failure to do so can result in a warning and/or termination of the scholarship. It is the student’s responsibility to know the requirements for the scholarships they receive.
- WARNING NOTICE will be issued via email by the Scholarship Coordinator if a student’s GPA drops below scholarship requirements or the student fails to complete the required hours. The student will continue to receive the scholarship for one semester but will be subject to termination if requirements are not met at the end of the Warning Semester.
- TERMINATION NOTICE will be issued by the Scholarship Coordinator via email if criteria specific to a Scholarship are not met at the end of a semester. Examples could include changing a degree path, withdrawing from all classes, or failing to enroll causing a gap in enrollment. Termination notices will be issued for any scholarship recipient who was on scholarship warning and did not meet requirements.
- SCHOLARSHIP TERMINATION APPEAL PROCESS – Students seeking an appeal by the Scholarship Committee must submit a letter of appeal within 10 days of the termination notice date. Letters should be submitted to the Scholarship Coordinator who will present the letter and termination documentation to the Scholarship Committee for review. The decision of the Scholarship Committee is final. Students will be notified of the Committee’s decision by the Scholarship Coordinator.
- A Practical Guide to Scholarships
- FastWeb
- Scholarships for 2025
- International Student Scholarships
- Kentucky Board of Nursing Scholarships
- Scholarships for Minority College Students
- Microsoft Cybersecurity Scholarship Program
- National Technical Honor Society
- Technology & Maintenance Council (TMC) Scholarships
- Steve Johnson Racing BAT-man Scholarship
- Automotive Aftermarket Scholarships Central
- Heavy Duty Scholarships Central
- Garage Gurus Scholarship
- Jessi Combs Scholarship
- SEMA Scholarship
- The Collision Repair Education Foundation (CREF)
- TechForce Foundation
- Harbor Freight Tools for Schools
- Noregon Systems Scholarships
- Bring Back the Trades, Inc. Scholarships
South Central Arts Council Scholarship
SCAC Scholarships are awarded to SCAC area high school seniors interested/talented in the arts (visual art, music, band, photography, graphics design, drama, etc.) and college students working towards fine arts, applied arts, or performing arts degrees. To be eligible, students must live in (or be from) counties within the SCAC area which includes Adair, Casey, Clinton, Cumberland, McCreary, Pulaski, Russell, and Wayne counties in Kentucky or Fentress, Pickett, and Scott counties in Tennessee.
For more information or to obtain an application, please email Presley Sutton.
$1000 Scholarship to a Qualified Future Teacher
This scholarship is offered by the Tau Chapter of Alpha Delta Kappa. Applicants must meet the following criteria:
- Female
- Graduated high school or completed the GED
- Enrolled, or has been enrolled, at Somerset Community College seeking an Associate in Art (AA) or Associate in Science (AS) Degree with an emphasis in education, is intending to transfer to a Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) accredited college or university in Kentucky and major in education, or is seeking as Associate in Applied Science (AAS) Degree in Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education
- Is a resident of the Somerset Community College service area or has been for all or part of her life
See $1000 Scholarship to a Qualified Future Teacher for more information or to apply.
Reach out to our scholarship office. We're here for you.
Suzanna Powell
Scholarship Coordinator
(606) 451-6644
Fax: (606) 679-4369
The completed scholarship application and all required documentation must be returned or postmarked by the following deadlines:
- March 1 (Priority Deadline)
- July 1 (Secondary Deadline for residual scholarships for the Fall semester)
Note: Scholarships do not cover any additional fees, which will need to be paid through other means.