Survey Request Procedure
Division: Institutional Effectiveness
SCC Policy Number: SPR4.9.2.2-1
Issued: 5/22/2020
Revised: 6/28/2021
Approved SCC President/CEO: 6/28/2021
Reference KCTCS Policy:
Complete the online Survey Request Form by submitting a HelpDesk Ticket. (The link can be found on the College’s webpage under Institutional Effectiveness and Research). Follow the process as outlined below.
Survey requests will be prioritized based on need and importance using an online form and reporting only aggregate data. A standardized survey request procedure is to track and analyze the number of surveys being generated and to equitably distribute surveys across a semester to our students and employees to discourage survey fatigue. All institutional surveys must be approved through the Office of Institutional Research and administered electronically through the institutional survey software unless otherwise approved.
- Priorities. In order to prioritize survey requests, the Office of Institutional Research will consider the run time of the requested survey, the number of active surveys across the institution, and the usefulness the survey with its intent to support of the College’s mission and vision. Federal, state, and accrediting agencies will take top priority, followed by college administrators, and then all others.
- How to Request a Survey. The Office of Institutional Research will use an online Survey Request Form to assist
in making survey requests. All requests will need to be submitted through an online
HelpDesk Ticket system. The link can be found on the College’s webpage under “Institutional
Effectiveness and Research.” All requests must include the purpose of the survey and
how the results will be used.
- Approved Requests – Requests will be approved if it has been demonstrated that there is an educational need for the data and that the results will be used to support the College’s mission and vision. Once approved, a survey will be created based on the criteria entered in the request form and a preview sent to you for approval prior to it going live.
- Denied Requests – Requests may be denied if the use of the results will not support the College’s mission and vision, if the results will be used for other reasons outside of the purview of the Survey Request Policy, or if too many surveys are currently active for your desired audience.
- Limitations. It is recommended that surveys not be administered during the first and last week of class during a semester. Only the requestor and those deemed necessary will have access to comment level responses for any given survey. The results from any institutional survey (with redacted comments) will be placed in the appropriate folder within the SCC Data Warehouse that is available to all employees.
Reviewed: 4/22/2022, 4/27/2023: Format changes, 5/7/2024