Faculty and Staff Development Procedure
Division: Academic Affairs/Institutional Effectiveness
SCC Procedure Number: SPR4.26-1
Issued: 6/26/2020
Revised: 6/28/2021
Approved SCC President/CEO: 6/28/2021
Reference KCTCS Policy:
New Employee Orientation and Training
All new SCC employees (full- and part-time) are required to participate in the SCC Onboarding Training Program (OTP) within the first month of employment. The SCC Human Resources Department coordinates the OTP. The OTP provides new employees with organizational information and resources to ensure a smooth transition into the SCC workplace. Student workers are required to participate in a similar, but more student worker-specific, onboarding program called the Student Worker Onboarding (SWO) Program within the first two weeks of employment. In conjunction with the OTP, employees may also be required to participate in other faculty- or staff-specific training and development as described herein. Once the OTP and/or SWO is completed, faculty and staff are required to participate in similar but separate training and development plans as diagrammed in Figure 1.
Figure 1 – New Employee Orientation and Training
Faculty Training and Development
Full-time Faculty. Full-time faculty are required to participate in ongoing professional development as specified in the faculty’s annual Planning, Performance, and Evaluation (PPE) process and in accordance with the faculty’s Professional Development Plan (PDP). The faculty, in collaboration with their supervisor, develop the PDP during the planning phase of the PPE using the PDP template provided by the Teaching and Learning Center (TLC).
- New Full-Time Faculty: All new SCC full-time faculty are required to participate in the New Faculty Training – Core (NFTP-C) Program during their first semester of employment. The NFTP-C provides new faculty with an orientation to SCC and builds upon the OTP to focus on faculty-specific training, instructional modality-specific training, and additional onboarding information and resources. As part of the NFTP-C, new faculty are assigned a faculty mentor from within the teaching discipline who will work with the new faculty during the NFTP-C. New full-time faculty are also required to complete the New Faculty Training – Update (NFTP-U) program during the second semester of employment and every subsequent semester of employment. The NFTP-U provides updates and information to expand that covered in the NFTP-C. New faculty are also required to participate in ongoing professional development as specified in the faculty’s annual Planning, Performance, and Evaluation (PPE) process and in accordance with the faculty’s Professional Development Plan (PDP). The faculty in collaboration with their supervisor, develop the PDP during the planning phase of the PPE using the PDP template provided by the Teaching and Learning Center (TLC).
Adjunct Faculty. All SCC Adjunct faculty are required to participate in orientation, onboarding, and faculty training and development as part of their adjunct faculty responsibilities as described below:
- New Adjunct Faculty: New adjunct faculty at SCC are required to participate in the New Faculty Training - Core (NFTP-C) program as part of their adjunct faculty responsibilities during their first semester as adjunct faculty. The NFTP-C provides adjunct faculty with SCC orientation and onboarding, core knowledge and essential skills training, and instructional modality-specific training necessary for success in the community college classroom. The NFTP-C provides new adjunct faculty with elements of the OTP to ensure that they have the information and resources necessary to be successful at SCC. Adjunct faculty are also paired with a full-time faculty member from within the teaching discipline (when possible) to provide ongoing help and support.
- Returning Adjunct Faculty: Returning adjunct faculty who have already completed the NFTP-C program within the past year are required to participate in the New Faculty Training – Update (NFTP-U) program as part of their ongoing adjunct faculty responsibilities. The NFTP-U provides updates and information to expand on information and resources provided in the NFTP-C.
- Dual Credit Faculty: Dual Credit faculty are required to participate in the NFTP-C and NFTP-U as described herein.
Staff Training and Development
Full-time Staff. Full-time staff are required to participate in ongoing professional development as specified in the employee’s annual Planning, Performance and Evaluation (PPE) process and in accordance with the employees’ Professional Development Plan (PDP). The employee, in collaboration with their supervisor, develops the PDP during the planning phase of the PPE using the PDP template provided by the Teaching and Learning Center (TLC).
- New full-time staff: New full-time staff at SCC are required to participate in the Staff Training Program Core (STP-C) within the first month of employment. The STP-C provides new staff with an orientation to SCC and builds upon the OTP to focus on staff/job-specific training and onboarding. As part of the STP-C, new staff are assigned a staff mentor from within their operating unit (where possible) who will work with the new staff during the STP-C. New full-time staff are also required to complete the Staff Training Program – Update (STP-U) during the second semester of employment. The STP-U provides updates and information to expand that covered in the STP-C.
Part-time Staff. Part-time staff are required to complete the OTP upon employment. Part-time staff are required to participate in ongoing training and development related to their job. Part-time staff, in collaboration with their supervisor, may develop a PDP to support the ongoing professional growth and development of the employee.
- New Part-Time Staff: New part-time staff at SCC are required to participate in the Staff Training Program Core (STP-C) as part of their staff responsibilities during their first month of employment. The STP-C provides staff with core knowledge and essential skills necessary for success in their jobs. The STP-C also provides new staff with elements of the OTP to ensure that they have the information and resources necessary to be successful at SCC. New part-time staff are also paired with a full-time faculty staff member from within the operating unit (when possible) to provide additional help and support.
- Student Workers: New student workers are required to participate in the Student Worker Onboarding (SWO) Program within the first two weeks of employment. The SWTP is designed to provide student workers with the training and resources they need to onboard as staff at the college and as part of the area in which they will be working. The TLC develops and delivers the SWTP.
Reviewed: 4/21/2022, 3/29/2023: Format changes, 4/25/2024