Faculty and Staff Development Planning
Division: Academic Affairs/Institutional Effectiveness
SCC Procedure Number: SPR4.25-1
Issued: 6/26/2020
Revised: 6/26/2020
Approved SCC President/CEO: 6/26/2020
Reference KCTCS Policy:
Faculty and Staff Development planning
Annual Planning Process – Faculty and staff professional development planning and subsequent training program development at SCC is guided by a process of identifying training and development needs from input across the college as part of the annual Performance Planning and Evaluation (PPE) and program review processes. Training and development needs are identified using organizational, divisional, departmental, and employee professional development plans as illustrated in Figure 1.
Figure 1 – Professional Development Planning
Organizational training needs are identified by all SCC Shared Governance Councils using a professional development planning (PDP) worksheet provided by the SCC TLC. Divisional and departmental program review and planning processes identify divisional- and department-level training needs which are then compiled on the Divisional and Departmental PDP worksheets. The employee’s PDP is developed annually during discussions between supervisor and employee during the PPE process and is guided by the PDP worksheet. The TLC collects and compiles PDPs from the Organization, Division, and Department levels and combines this information with employee survey and suggestion data to create the annual SCC Training and Development Plan (TDP). The TDP is published at the beginning of the Fall semester.
Communication – The TLC communicates training and development activities and opportunities to all faculty and staff via KCTCS e-mail, the TLC website/Teams site, and through the KCTCS PD Tracker. KCTCS Professional Development opportunities are communicated to employees using the KCTCS Scoop, via Blackboard Messaging, and forwarded through the TLC.
Training Approaches – Professional development and training is delivered using multiple modalities including in-person, online, on-demand sessions delivered to and/or accessed by individuals, small groups, large groups, and/or college-wide gatherings.
Assessment and Feedback - Assessment of faculty and staff development occurs at the Organizational/Program, Plan, Employee, and Session level, to provide an overall assessment of plan effectiveness.
- Organization/Program-Level: The Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) program is assessed annually as part of an ongoing program review process that is completed at the end of the spring semester.
- Plan-Level: The Annual Training and Development Plan (ATDP) is assessed at the end of the spring semester via a college-wide survey and via organizational, divisional, and departmental leadership surveys. Results of the assessment are incorporated into future planning efforts.
- Employee-Level: Professional development and training surveys are utilized to determine individual employee satisfaction and engagement with professional development and training efforts.
- Session-Level: Training sessions are evaluated using a post-session survey instrument. These surveys are reviewed for continual improvement.
Recording and Tracking – All SCC employees should use the KCTCS PD Tracker to record and track their training and development activities.
Reviewed: 4/21/2022, 5/10/2023: Format changes, 5/16/2024