Infectious Disease Action Procedure
Division: Business
SCC Procedure Number: SPR3.3.6-2
OPR: Safety Coordinator
Issued: 8/30/2022
Approved SCC President/CEO: 8/30/2022
Reference KCTCS Policy: 3.3.6, 5.2.10-P
The college will address infectious disease threats through monitoring, preparation, and management. An Infectious Disease Advisory Committee (IDAC) will be composed of up to three members from each shared governance council (faculty, staff, management, executive, and Student Government) and chaired by the Safety Coordinator, reporting to the College President. The purpose of the committee is to monitor the level and impact from infectious diseases, ensure the College is prepared for those threats, and make recommendations to the President for required actions. The committee will meet quarterly but more often as needed based on the threats. Each meeting will address any infectious disease threats to Somerset Community College (SCC) through the following areas.
The IDAC will be responsible for monitoring the level and status of infectious diseases and the possible impacts to SCC through the following:
- Situational Awareness
- CDC assessment of counties in the SCC service area
- Input and assessment from appropriate regional health departments
- Discussion and input from the area hospitals
- Rates of exposure and infection at all SCC Campuses and Centers
- Discussion with the KCTCS Safety Coordinator
- Kentucky State Government announcements and guidance
- Federal Government announcements and guidance
- When the situation changes positively or negatively, the IDAC will provide the president with recommendations the College should implement.
- The IDAC will develop and use a graduated assessment process to determine which actions should be recommended.
The IDAC will ensure SCC is prepared to work through the impact of an infectious disease on our campuses and centers through the following:
- Education
- Vaccine efficacy, options and latest guidance
- Testing information (where, how etc.)
- Actions for employees and students to take in detection, preparation, and operation at various levels of infectious diseases while on campus
- Communicate regular updates on infectious disease impact to the college and its locations
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) coordination with M&O
- Sanitizer locations, availability, and adequate stocks
- Masks and gloves locations, availability, and adequate stocks
- Information about all infectious diseases announced by the Federal Government, State Government or local Health Department authority information will be shared with the SCC community via e-mails, website updates, messaging board notifications as well as appropriate signage throughout all of the SCC campuses and centers.
Once the threat type and level from infectious disease has been made by the IDAC, the Chair will work with the committee to make any recommendations to the President. The President will approve final recommendations of this group and in conjunction with KCTCS, implement them. Recommended actions will be specific and include projected end dates but will not supersede KCTCS, state, or federal directives. This will help Somerset Community College make decisions when guidance from the KCTCS, State and Federal Government is not forth coming.
- Somerset Community College will follow any guidance and/or mandates passed down from KCTCS, State and Federal authorities when provided.
- Possible actions recommended by the IDAC include but not limited to:
- Handwashing
- Wearing of mask (optional or mandated)
- Physical/Social distancing
- Alternative work scheduling
- Limiting or postponing outside events on campus
- Limiting or postponing in-house events on campus
- Encouraging or requiring group meetings to be conducted on TEAMS
- Increased cleaning requirements including deep cleaning
Reviewed: 5/5/2023: Format changes, 5/10/2024: Non-substantive change