Social Distancing Procedure
Division: Administration; Human Resources
SCC Procedure Number: SPR3.3.6-1
OPR: Safety Coordinator
Issued: 7/26/2020
Revised: 4/3/2023
Approved SCC President/CEO: 5/22/2023
Reference KCTCS Policy: 3.3.6, 5.2.10-P, Admin. Procedure/Protocol Covid 19
Initiation of Procedure. With recommendations made by the Infectious Disease Advisory Committee (IDAC), the College President will make the determination to activate the Social Distancing Procedure.
- Determination of guidelines. With recommendations from the IDAC, the College President and the Executive Council
will discuss relevant mandates, guidelines, and/or directions in determining the types
and specific applications of social distancing measures. Social distancing guidelines
may vary based on specific situations and, as such, will reflect social distancing
recommendations and/or guidelines available at the time from the Centers for Disease
Control (CDC), the Commonwealth of Kentucky, and/or other public health authorities
and/or guidelines. Social distancing guidelines may include, but are not limited to:
- Use of telework where possible, practical, and approved.
- For example, maintaining a minimum physical distance (may vary by event) where possible, in all interpersonal contact and interactions. For example (minimum of six) feet distance), and wearing of appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)when minimum distances are not possible.
- Wearing of facemasks or other PPE for any interactions between co-workers/students or while traveling in and between locations on campus.
- Limited face-to-face interactions and interpersonal contact (avoid shaking hands and use other informal greetings).
- Use of online or other electronic methods for interpersonal and group interactions (meetings, assemblies).
- When in-person meetings are unavoidable, limit their duration and hold them in an area with sufficient capacity to enable appropriate social distancing.
- Avoid grouping or congregating and avoid areas that are conducive to congregating and grouping such as common areas, copier rooms, break rooms, vending areas, etc.
- Limiting capacity of buildings, offices, classrooms/labs.
- Limiting entrance and exit points in buildings and/or restricting traffic flow.
- Alteration to and/or suspension of services and operations.
- Limiting the number of on-campus personnel/students/public.
- Limiting or restricting access to buildings and rooms.
- Arranging work/foot traffic flows in buildings, offices, classrooms/labs to minimize contact between employees and students.
- Modifications to facilities and rooms to accommodate prescribed social distancing requirements (furniture and/or equipment relocation, physical barriers, floor/wall markings, signage).
- Use of digital alternatives for paper-based transactions.
- Conversion of classes to online or other alternative format, suspension of classes, or class dismissal.
- Limit or eliminate travel.
- Vehicle use and vehicle capacity limitations/restrictions.
- Minimal interactions with delivery personnel in loading docks and/or storage areas.
- Limitation or cancellation of internal or public events, whether instructional, cultural, civic, social, or other.
- And/or full institutional closing.
- Communicating guidelines. The types and applications of social distancing measures recommended by the IDAC or identified by the College President and Executive Council will be communicated through KCTCS email, the SCC website, campus signage, and/or other available and appropriate communication outlets.
- Suspending/modifying guidelines. With guidance from the IDAC, the College President and Executive Council will make the determination to suspend social distancing guidelines and/or modify application dependent upon review of applicable mandates, guidelines, and/or directions from KCTCS, government agencies, and/or public health organizations. Communication of suspension or modification to activated social distancing guidelines will utilize the communication methods described herein.
Reviewed: 4/3/2023: Non-substantive changes, 5/10/2024