College-Wide Email Distribution List Access
Division: Institutional Effectiveness
SCC Procedure Number: SPR3.3.21-1
OPR: Vice President of Institutional Effectiveness
Issued: 3/27/2020
Revised: 6/28/2021, 3/24/2022
Approved SCC President/CEO: 3/24/2022
Reference KCTCS Policy: Administrative Policy 3.3.21
SCC adheres to KCTCS policy 3.3.21 related to use of email for the purpose of organizational operations. When specific access to and use of email systems are not specified in KCTCS policy, this procedure will be used to guide the access to college-wide email distribution lists. This procedure does not supplant KCTCS email policies and procedures but codifies local procedures in addition to KCTCS email policy. Access to college-wide email distribution lists is provided to SCC employees to support open email communications across the college. Unrestricted or open access to large-scale and/or college-wide email distribution lists has the potential to create information security issues and may provide a means for unapproved distribution of materials via the email system as described in KCTCS email policy 3.3.21. As such, access to and use of college-wide email distribution lists is contingent upon use of college-wide email distribution lists in compliance with KCTCS Email Policy 3.3.21 and KCTCS Information Technology Acceptable Use Policy 4.2.5.
- Providing Access. SCC employees are provided a KCTCS email account and have access to college-wide distribution lists upon employment.
- Suspending Access. Access to college-wide email distribution lists can be suspended if use of email
distribution lists is deemed an unacceptable use per KCTCS Administrative Policies
and Procedures – Unacceptable Uses, and/or KCTCS Policy 4.2.5 Information
and Information Technology Responsible Use Policy, or in violation of KCTCS Policy
- Suspension of access to college-wide email distribution lists is the responsibility
of the Vice President of Institutional Effectiveness and is conducted in accordance
with the following process:
- An email distributed using a college-wide distribution list that is suspected to be an unauthorized use will be investigated by the Vice President of Institutional Effectiveness or designee to determine if said email use is in violation of KCTCS Email Policy 3.3.21, KCTCS Information and Information Technology Responsible Use Policy 4.2.5 or other applicable KCTCS/SCC policy.
- If the email use in question is determined to be an unauthorized email use, the employee sending said email could have their access to college-wide email distribution lists suspended. The VP of Institutional Effectiveness makes the determination of whether to continue or suspend the employee’s access to college-wide email distribution lists. The employee and the employee’s immediate supervisor will be notified regarding this decision.
- Suspension of access to college-wide email distribution lists is the responsibility
of the Vice President of Institutional Effectiveness and is conducted in accordance
with the following process:
- Appealing Suspension: An employee may appeal the decision to suspend access to college-wide email distribution lists by contacting their immediate supervisor who in turn will make a written appeal to the area/division’s Vice President. The Vice President will then review the appeal request with the Somerset Community College Executive Council (EC) and a decision based on the appeal will be made from the EC. The EC’s decision on the appeal will be communicated to the employee and the employee’s immediate supervisor.
- Reinstating Access after Suspension: If an employee’s access to college-wide distribution lists has been suspended, a
request to reinstate access can be requested after a period of six (6) months using
the following procedure:
- Employee makes a formal request to their immediate supervisor for approval to reinstate their access to college-wide email distribution lists.
- If the supervisor approves, a request to reinstate access to college-wide email distribution lists is sent by the employee’s immediate supervisor to the Vice President of Institutional Effectiveness.
- The Vice President of Institutional Effectiveness or designee will review the request and make the final decision regarding reinstatement of access to college-wide email distribution list.
Reviewed: 3/26/2021, 3/24/2022, 3/29/2023: Format changes, 4/24/2024