Telecommuting Procedure
Division: Human Resources
SCC Procedure Number: SPR2.22-1
Issued: 7/24/2020
Approved SCC President/CEO: 6/29/2021
Reference KCTCS Policy: 2.21, 2.21-P
- Employee and supervisor review employee’s duties and assess if they are suitable for remote work, if a sufficient amount of portable work exists for the request, and if the employee has the skills, knowledge, and abilities to adapt and succeed in a telecommuting environment.
- Employee and supervisor write a work plan and schedule based on the job description, essential duties, and measurable outcomes. Attendance at departmental functions and full-college gatherings is expected to continue.
- Supervisor verifies the employee has adequate technology and a suitable work space to perform assigned duties remotely, generally understood to mean in their home.
- Employee and supervisor fully complete the request form in Section IV and submit to the Vice President with responsibility for the position. Requests may be for up to three months.
- Immediate supervisor submits the completed request form through supervisory chain to the appropriate VP for approval.
- VP reviews the request and returns to requesting supervisor with acceptance or denial.
- Supervisor notifies employee of the decision and schedules initial follow-up with the employee.
- The fully executed SCC HR-122 form is submitted to Human Resources for archival in the employee’s personnel file and other recordkeeping as may be required.
- The supervisor may end the arrangement at any time if established standards are not met. The employee may request to end or reduce the telecommuting arrangement if it proves to be impractical for producing required results or is otherwise undesirable.
- The employee is responsible for their own non-reimbursable internet connection and appropriate networking equipment. SCC’s IT staff will set up VPN if access to internal systems is needed. Regardless of location, the KCTCS Information and Information Technology Responsible Use Policy 4.2.5 remains in force.
- Office supplies will be provided by KCTCS as needed. Out-of-pocket expenses for other supplies will not be reimbursed unless by prior approval from the employee’s supervisor.
- Renewals may be considered only after the employee and supervisor review results of the employee’s work plan and needs of the department prior to the initial assignment ending date.
Reviewed: 4/21/2022, 5/11/2023: Format changes, 5/8/2024