Multi-Year Contracts Procedure
Department: Human Resources
SCC Procedure Number: SPR2.
OPR: HR Director
Issued: 03/24/2022
Approved SCC President/CEO: 03/24/2022
Reference KCTCS Policy: Term Contract Employment Status, Employment Status Category, 2.5 KCTCS Performance Review
Issuance of a multi-year contract is a management decision and not an employee benefit or right. Members of the Executive Council will consider input from Human Resources (HR) and the supervisor(s) of employees who make a request prior to making a decision to approve or deny a multi-year contract.
- Multi-year contracts shall not be issued to employees:
- As their initial employment contract.
- Who do not receive an employment contract.
- Who are funded by grants, contracts, or other external sources.
- With less than three years of regular full-time employment in their current position
with Somerset Community College.
- Advancement to a position with higher-level duties within the same department in a reasonably similar job progression will not exclude an employee from seeking a multi-year contract.
- An employee who accepts a position in a different department with significantly different duties within the previous three years will be eligible to request a multi-year contract after three years in the new position/department.
- Service from other KCTCS colleges does not apply toward this purpose.
- Who did not earn at least a “Meets” or higher ranking on their most recently finalized performance evaluation (PPE).
- Who have had documented performance or disciplinary issues in the previous three years.
- Who have been on a performance improvement plan (PIP) in the previous 12 months. (Employees currently on a performance improvement plan (PIP) or who have been on one in the previous 12 months will not be considered for a multi-year contract until the employee earns a “Meets” or higher rating for two consecutive PPE cycles following successful completion of the PIP.
- Employee seeking a multi-year contract will prepare and send the application form with completed Section A to HR. Ideally, this action would be taken during the mid-year review portion of the annual PPE process. Applications should be finalized including all required signatures no later than March 1 of the current year in order to have adequate processing time for contracts with a start date of July 1 of the same year. A multi-year contract will not be produced without a fully completed and signed application form.
- Applications submitted to HR for eligibility verification will be reviewed for service data and any documented performance history that could be disqualifying. HR provides input, signs, and forwards the application to employee’s immediate supervisor.
- Immediate supervisor and others in the supervisory chain will sign or disapprove the application and forward, regardless of decision, to the EC member with responsibility for the applicant’s work area.
- EC member completes Section E of the application and sends fully signed copies to immediate supervisor and to HR.
- Immediate supervisor notifies employee of application status.
- HR produces approved multi-year contract as per normal contract production. Multi-year contracts begin the following July 1 after the fiscal year in which they are approved. Example: Application is approved Feb. 15, 2022; multi-year contract begins July 1, 2022.
- Should performance issues, business reasons, or disciplinary matters arise between the approval date and the new contract period, SCC may rescind the approval of a multiyear contract. The employee will be notified in writing of this decision.
- HR scans the application form, whether approved or denied, into employee’s electronic personnel file and records the action on a recordkeeping spreadsheet.
- Multi-year contracts are not auto-renewed and extended automatically. Renewals are considered at the end of the term for which they were issued and may or may not be renewed as a multi-year contract. Requests for renewals of multi-year contracts will be initiated by the employee.
Multi-Year Contract Application
Reviewed: 4/27/2023: Format changes, 5/6/2024