Procedure for SCC Policy and Procedure Development and Management
Division: Institutional
SCC Procedure Number: SPR1.9-1P
OPR: President/CEO
Issued: 7/26/2019
Revised: 5/6/2024
Approved SCC President/CEO: 5/22/2023
Reference KCTCS Policy:
- Overview:
- Somerset Community College (SCC) operates using a shared governance system consisting of four area councils and one association. Each of these groups is represented on the Leadership Council where policy and procedure approval take place. Any of the four councils and the Student Government Association (SGA) may introduce policy and procedure for consideration and approval by the Leadership Council (LC). The LC must give each policy at least two readings at two separate meetings before approval. Procedures must have at least one reading before approval by the Leadership Council.
- While any of the four councils and SGA may develop and present policy to the Leadership Council for approval, policy must be reviewed with all applicable college offices while in development. Policies must also be reviewed by all four councils and SGA before approval. A draft copy of proposed policy and procedure will be available at the agenda setting meeting one week prior to the LC meeting and the first required reading. Proposed procedure associated with a proposed policy is required at the same time but will not be approved until the second reading of the associated policy. It is highly encouraged that any proposed policy and procedure is coordinated closely with the office primarily responsible (OPR) prior to bringing it to the Leadership Council for approval.
- Process:
- Establish need. The need for a specific policy and/or procedure is determined and discussed by the individual(s) within their council's leadership. A full discussion about the purpose of the policy and why it is required should be determined. Once the council decides to move forward, a working draft is developed by the individual and council.
- The working draft is coordinated with other offices impacted by the proposed policy on campus to solicit their input. (See the flowchart provided in the next section) A draft using the formats shown in Appendix A (policy format) and/or Appendix B (procedure format) is presented to the originating council for approval. The appropriate council (faculty, staff, management, or executive) or SGA, using their individual processes, reviews and votes to either forward the proposed policy to the Leadership Council, return it for modifications or to reject it.
- Once approved, the proposed policy and/or procedure are provided to add the policy and/or procedure to the Leadership Council agenda setting group to be added to the LC agenda for a first reading. The Agenda Setting Committee may include it on the agenda or return it for modifications. Once added to the Leadership Council meeting, it will be added as an action item, and copies of the policy and/or procedure are available to all Leadership Council members and posted on the LC SharePoint site for others to access. Policies and procedures up for review or revision may be added on the consent agenda.
- The Leadership Council (LC) meets, and if the reviewed/revised policy and/or procedure is not pulled from the consent agenda for separate discussion, it will be approved. If removed from the consent agenda, the policy/procedure will be moved to new business for discussion, approval, disapproval or returned for modification. Policies are approved, disapproved, or returned for modification on the first or second reading. Procedures are approved or disapproved with the first reading. New policies and procedures will be discussed and completely read if requested prior to approval.
- Once approved for the first reading in the Leadership Council, the proposed policy is available for additional review and comments until the second reading at the next Leadership Council meeting. All council representatives are responsible for bringing policy and/or procedure back to their respective groups for additional review and discussion. Representatives will then bring any recommendations to the next Leadership Council meeting for resolution during the second reading. Following the first reading and approval at the LC meeting, each policy is reviewed by the KCTCS Legal department to ensure compliance to with state and federal law as well as KCTCS policies. Additionally, SCC Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion will review SCC policies and procedures to ensure appropriate language and intent. Suggested changes will be available prior to the second reading. During the second reading, additional non-substantive changes may be made before final approval. These include typographic or grammar changes and do not affect the intent of the policy. Once all changes are made, the final vote is taken for the policy. If approved, the policy and/or procedure is forwarded to the VP of Administration to be numbered, signed, and posted. All employees, SGA members, and SCC Board of Directors receive an electronic copy.
- All policies and procedures are effective as listed in the heading block for the policy or procedure.
- Substantive changes or removal of approved policies will be approved through a single reading as a consent agenda or action item.
- Review Process:
- Flowchart: Use the following flow chart for reference as the process described above is accomplished.
- All policies and procedures are reviewed annually during the spring semester to become effective on July 1 of that year, unless otherwise noted. Areas are assigned to administrators listed in each area below. The LC will share assignments for each member to review several policies/procedures and submit changes for that year. The master list of administrator/policy/procedure assignment is maintained in the President’s office and will be collected for review.
- Policies up for review will have a first reading on the May LC meeting agenda
and approved in the June LC meeting. Procedures will be available for review on the
May LC meeting agenda and approved in the June meeting. Non-substantive changes will not require an additional legal review. Dates reviewed and approved should be added to the policy/procedure with date of approval.
- Flowchart: Use the following flow chart for reference as the process described above is accomplished.
- Policy/Procedure Numbering:
- KCTCS policies are organized in specific groups for listing and review. SCC policies and procedures will be numbered to correspond in the same major areas. The VP of Administration determines the appropriate number for each policy/procedure after it is approved. Generally, if an SCC policy/procedure directly supports a KCTCS policy, it will utilize the same numbers as the KCTCS policy it is supplementing. If the SCC policy is more detailed or less detailed, it would add or remove the last placeholder number to allow the reader to locate the parent KCTCS policy more easily. For example, if the policy was about Performance Review, KCTCS policy 2.5, and the SCC policy and/or procedure pertains to a broad number of sub areas in 2.5, the SCC number would be SP (policy) or SPR (Procedure) 2.5-1 (add-2, -3, etc. for subsequent policies/procedures). If the example SCC policy pertains to PPE Appeals, the number would be SP2.5.1.4-1 since the KCTCS parent policy is The prefix of SP or SPR and the -1, -2, -3, etc., immediately identifies the policy or procedure as an SCC document. The numbering matrix is shown below and provides initial guidance for SCC policy/procedure organization. Final numbering assignment will be determined by the VP of Administration.
- Posting/Reference for Use: The VP of Administration will receive an electronic version
of the approved policy or procedure from the Leadership Council and complete the following
- Assign the appropriate SCC policy or procedure number.
- Place the effective date and other header information as required.
- Proofread the policy or procedure, noting any corrections. No substantive changes may be made to an approved policy or procedure without approval of the Leadership Council.
- Forward a paper copy to the president’s office for signature.
- Make a PDF copy of the signed policy/procedure and maintain a file of all signed policies and procedures in the VP of Administration office.
- Post the approved policy/procedure to the SCC Policies and Procedures webpage for access.
- Send a link to the new or revised policy/procedure to all employees, the SGA President, and to the SCC Board of Directors.
Area | KCTCS Section Number | SCC OPR (Office of Primary Responsibility) | Notes |
Administration/Governance | 1 | President's Office | Also includes system policies management |
Human Resources | 2 | VP of Administration | Also includes faculty rank, promotion, leave, attendance |
Equal Opportunity, Benefits, Health, and Safety | 3 | VP of Administration | Also includes speech, alcohol, emergency response, email, motor vehicle use, employee benefits |
Academic and Service | 4 | SR VP of Academic Affairs | Also includes IT, technology, social media |
Financial | 5 | VP of Administration | Also includes major equipment/facilities planning, budget management |
Student Affairs | 6 | SR VP of Academic Affairs | FERPA, student publications, grievance |
Independent Foundations, Grants, Contracts | 7 | VP of Advancement | Fund raising guidelines, disclosure, naming buildings |
Reviewed: 4/8/2022, 5/22/2023: non-substantive changes, 5/6/2024: non-substantive changes