Gifts-in-Kind Policy
Division: Advancement
SCC Policy Number: SP7.6.6.1
OPR: Vice President of Institutional Advancement
Issued: 9/25/2020
Approved SCC President/CEO: 9/25/2020
Reference KCTCS Policy: KCTCS Administrative Policy 7.6 – Policy and Procedure for Private Fundraising, KCTCS Administrative Procedure 5.2.2-P - Assets, Inventory, and Surplus Management and 5.3.11-P Gifts and Endowments
Somerset Community College (SCC) will accept gifts of personal property, generally known as gifts-in-kind, from individuals, organizations, corporations, and non-profits. Before any item is received on behalf of SCC, documentation on proposed gift-in-kind shall be forwarded to the SCC Office of Institutional Advancement for review prior to acceptance.
All gifts-in-kind will be recorded with receipt and acknowledgement letter mailed from the SCC Office of Institutional Advancement.
Gifts-in-kind will be processed in accordance with KCTCS Administrative Procedure 5.2.2-P Assets, Inventory, and Surplus Management.
Reviewed: 4/18/2022, 5/10/2023: Format changes, 5/8/2024