Approval of Fundraising Activities
Division: Advancement
SCC Policy Number: SP7.4.2-1
OPR: Vice President of Institutional Advancement
Issued: 2/22/2019
Revised: 5/8/2024
Approved SCC President/CEO: 2/22/2019
Reference KCTCS Policy: BOR 7.4 and KCTCS Organizational Structure 1.5
The President/CEO of Somerset Community College has ultimate control of the institution's and
Foundation's fundraising activities. This is stated in the KCTCS Administrative Policy and in KCTCS Board of Regents Policy 7.4.2 in regards to independent college foundations.
Any fundraising activity conducted by the College or Foundation must have the written approval of the College President/CEO prior to the activity. This would include special fundraising activities, events, or solicitation of gifts to support the College's mission and strategic plan. Fundraising Approval Forms are available from the Institutional Advancement Office, where they will be held on file.
All gifts to the College or Foundation will be handled by following the KCTCS Policies on Private Fundraising, and the gift processing procedures outlined in the KCTCS Office of Resource Development-Development Manual.
Regulations regarding fundraising activities conducted by the Student Government Association or other student clubs will follow the KCTCS Business Procedure 5.7.11 and be monitored the SCC Office of Institutional Advancement at the direction of the President of Somerset Community College.
Fundraising Approval Form Example
Fundraising activity/event or project:
Date or date range of activity/event or project:
College or Foundation?
Brief description of activity/event or project:
Benefit to SCC and/or students:
Support of college mission and strategic plan:
Projected goal in funding:
Approval of President: ____________________________________________
Date of Approval: ____________________________________________
Reviewed: 4/18/2022, 3/29/2023 – Format changes, 5/8/2024: Non-substantive changes