Lineman Training Program Attendance Policy
Division: Workforce Solutions
SCC Policy Number: SP6.10-1
OPR: Vice President of Workforce Solutions
Issued: 1/25/2019
Approved SCC President/CEO: 1/25/2019
Reference KCTCS Policy:
Due to the schedule and pace of the Lineman Training program, all absences must be approved in advance. Absence from class for any reason jeopardizes the ability to complete the class.
Two unexcused absences are grounds for dismissal from the program. Five excused absences are grounds for dismissal from the program.
If going to be absent or late, the Lineman student must call the Lineman Center before 8:00 AM EDT to speak to an instructor. Voicemails or texts will not be accepted. If a call from the student is not received, the absence will be considered unexcused.
Due to the manufacturer’s weight limit restrictions for the climbing gear used in the Lineman Training program, the weight limit per student is 300 pounds.
Reviewed: 4/15/2022, 4/26/2023: Format changes, 4/15/2024: Non-substantive change