Cash Handling Policy
Division: Business Services
SCC Policy Number: SP5.3.9-P-1
OPR: Manager of Business Operations
Issued: 1/18/2005
Revised: 6/28/2021
Approved SCC President/CEO: 6/28/2021
Reference KCTCS Policy: 5.3.9P Cash Accounting and Handling
This policy is designed to provide working procedures, directions, and informative notes to help employees responsible for cash handling functions to better understand and perform their duties in accordance with Federal and State regulations and Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS) Business Procedures.
This policy is for the benefit of employees who are involved in cash handling operations. Any employee of the college involved with cash handling functions is required to read, understand, and comply with the Cash Handling Procedures manual. The employee handling cash must sign the acknowledgement form at the end of this manual. Copies of the acknowledgement form will be retained on file with the college's business office. This manual serves as an elaboration at the college unit level of the business procedures adopted by KCTCS. Any questions regarding the contents of this manual or problems in using this manual are to be brought to the attention of the college’s VP of Administration.
From time to time, this manual will be revised to reflect changes in State and Federal regulations, changes in KCTCS policies and procedures, changes recommended by internal and external auditors, and changes endorsed by college management. All additions, deletions, and revisions to this manual require the written approval of the VP of Administration. Any manual user who identifies a need for a revision must submit the suggestion in writing to the VP of Administration. Users will be notified as revisions are made to the manual.
To ensure compliance with cash handling procedures, the College has a responsibility to conduct periodic reviews of cash handling activities to determine that all systems are functioning as intended and that all applicable policies and procedures are being followed.
Reviewed: 5/2/2022, 4/3/2023: format changes, 4/15/2024