Facility Usage Policy
Division: Operations
SCC Policy Number: SP5.2.4P-1
OPR: Facilities Management Specialist
Issued: 4/22/2016
Revised: 4/26/2023
Approved SCC President/CEO: 4/26/2023
Reference KCTCS Policy: 5.2.4P Use of KCTCS Facilities by Outside Agencies
Somerset Community College offers certain facilities or portions of facilities for rental by persons, groups, organizations, and businesses in accordance with KCTCS policy and procedure. SCC will process all rentals based on availability and capacity. No official college event or offering will be impeded by a rental activity.
Non-profit and community organizations can apply for facility usage only when space is available with sufficient capacity. When space is available, there will be no charge for facility usage for non-profit organizations. Depending on days/hours of usage, a maintenance fee and/or an information technology fee may be assessed to cover College costs such as overtime for personnel. For-profit businesses may also apply for usage when space is available. For-profit and training applications will be subject to the fee schedules stated in the “Facility Use Procedures and Guidelines.” Facilities are not available for private events, such as showers, reunions, or family meetings.
Requests for facility usage should be submitted to the Facilities Management Specialist.
Reviewed: 4/14/2022, 4/26/2023: Substantive revision, 5/10/2024: Non-substantive change