Social Distancing Policy
Division: Human Resources
SCC Policy Number: SP3.3.6-1
Issued: 7/26/2020
Approved SCC President/CEO: 7/26/2020
Reference KCTCS Policy: 3.3.6, 5.10.2-P, Admin. Procedure/Protocol Covid 19
Somerset Community College will activate appropriate social distancing practices as required by mandate, guideline, and/or direction from KCTCS, governmental agencies, and/or other public health authorities to protect the health and safety of our students, employees, visitors, and to mitigate the spread of highly communicable contagions, diseases, and/or any other declared public health emergencies on campus. Social distancing is a behavioral health practice that reduces individual risk of infection and slows or controls the spread of infection/disease by reducing opportunities for human interaction and contact.
Reviewed: 4/21/2022, 5/10/2024