Tobacco Free Campuses and Centers Policy
Division: Operations
SCC Policy Number: SP3.3.14-1
Issued: 1/01/2019
Revised: 6/28/2021
Approved SCC President/CEO: 6/28/2021
Reference KCTCS Policy: 3.3.14 - KCTCS Tobacco Free Policy
Somerset Community College is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for its students, employees, and visitors. The College recognizes the dangers of tobacco, second hand smoke and electronic vapor devices. In addition to the individual dangers of smoking, there is documented evidence that oral tobacco use causes cancer of the mouth, nose, and throat. The United States Surgeon General has concluded that there is no acceptable level of exposure to second-hand tobacco smoke, and there is research supporting the dangers of breathing vapors from electronic cigarettes.
In support of this commitment, effective March 16, 2015, Somerset Community College became a tobacco-free institution. Specifically,
- Tobacco use in any form, such as cigarettes, cigars, pipes, water pipes (Hookah), electronic cigarettes/vaping, bidis, clove cigarettes, and smokeless tobacco products (snuff, chewing tobacco, and dipping tobacco), is prohibited on college grounds. This includes all indoor areas, as well as outdoor areas such as parking lots, on all campuses and centers.
- Enforcement of this policy will not apply to the use of tobacco products in private vehicles located on Somerset property, as long as users make a reasonable effort to contain tobacco products and smoke inside the vehicle (e.g., keeping windows, doors, and roofs closed).
- Tobacco use including smoking cigarettes or cigars, oral tobacco and electronic vapor devices are prohibited in all college owned or leased vehicles.
- Tobacco products and electronic vapor devices will not be sold in college facilities.
The College places value on individual responsibility and leadership. All members of the college, students and employees are equally responsible for the policy. As with other policies, compliance is an expectation for all employees, students and visitors. Initial enforcement will involve education, awareness, and referral for smoking cessation support. Authority for enforcement of this policy is vested with the College President, in conjunction with the Director of Human Resources and the VP of Student Affairs.
Reporting Violations
- All employees and students will be responsible and are encouraged to uphold the policy by respectfully reminding students, other employees and guests of the policy and reporting violations as appropriate.
- Reports of college employee violations will be forwarded to the Director of Human Resources who will inform the employee’s supervisor. Disciplinary action will be taken as necessary.
- Reports of student violations will be forwarded to the VP of Student Affairs and will follow disciplinary processes in the Code of Student Conduct.
Reviewed: 04/11/2022, 4/27/2023: Non-substantive changes, 5/9/2024: Non-substantive changes