Multi-Year Contracts
Division: Human Resources
SCC Policy Number: SP2.
OPR: HR Director
Issued: 03/24/2022
Approved SCC President/CEO: 03/24/2022
Reference KCTCS Policy: Term Contract Employment Status, Employment Status Category, 2.5 KCTCS Performance Review
Effective with the July 1, 2022, contract cycle, Somerset Community College will permit multi-year employment contracts in lieu of the standard one-year employment contract to employees.
After completion of three years of employment in their current position, employees may request a two-year contract.
After successful completion of a two-year contract or employees with a minimum of six years employment in their current position as of July 1, 2022, employees may request a three-year contract.
Employees interested in pursuing a multi-year contract should read the related procedure to determine if they meet the established criteria and complete an application form. Multi-year contracts are not an employee benefit or right and are approved at the discretion of the College Executive Council member responsible for the employee’s work area. Decisions are final and not appealable.
Reviewed: 4/27/2023: Format changes, 5/6/2024