Tutoring | SCC


Free tutoring is provided to SCC students who are currently enrolled. You can book an appointment online with one of our tutors or just come see us at the Learning Commons!

Students can book tutoring at any location regardless of where they take classes. All tutors, regardless of location, are available for virtual tutoring during their scheduled hours listed below. Tutoring by SCC tutors is available in the evenings and weekends.

Subjects and appointment times are limited to tutor availability. Tutoring may be limited to one hour per subject, per day. Appointments have priority, but walk-ins are welcome.

Tutors are not allowed to help or provide answers for quizzes, assessments, or tests. The final work is the student’s responsibility.

Find a tutor by Campus

Somerset Tutors
Tutor Subject(s) Link to Schedule
Amber Norris Math, Biology & Chemistry Schedule a meeting with Amber
Blake Terwilliger Math & English Schedule a meeting with Blake
Sam Norris English, A/P, Microbiology Schedule a meeting with Sam
Laurel Tutors
Tutor Subject(s) Link to Schedule
Nicole Flannery English & Writing Schedule a meeting with Nicole
Brooklyn Allen Math Schedule a meeting with Brooklyn
Alison Causey A/P & EMT Classes Schedule a meeting with Alison
Megan Gregory CIT 105 and Blackboard Schedule a meeting with Megan
Blake Terwilliger Math & English Schedule a meeting with Blake
Kimberly Nguyen English Schedule a meeting with Kimberly
Russell Tutors
Tutor Subject(s) Link to Schedule
Riley Godby Math, Science and Criminal Justice Schedule a meeting with Riley
Blake Terwilliger Math & English Schedule a meeting with Blake
McCreary Tutors
Tutor Subject(s) Link to Schedule
Ralph Eastham Physics, Math and Chemistry Schedule a meeting with Ralph
Blake Terwilliger Math & English Schedule a meeting with Blake
Virtual Tutors
Tutor Subject(s) Link to Schedule
Amber Norris Math, Biology & Chemistry Schedule a meeting with Amber
Brooklyn Allen Math Schedule a meeting with Brooklyn
Alison Causey A/P & EMT Classes Schedule a meeting with Alison
Nicole Flannery English & Writing Schedule a meeting with Nicole
Riley Godby Math, Science and Criminal Justice Schedule a meeting with Riley
Megan Gregory CIT 105 and Blackboard Schedule a meeting with Megan
Ralph Eastham Physics, Math and Chemistry Schedule a meeting with Ralph
Blake Terwilliger Math & English Schedule a meeting with Blake
Sam Norris English, A/P, Microbiology Schedule a meeting with Sam
Kimberly Nguyen English Schedule a meeting with Kimberly


Brainfuse is an alternative to in person tutoring available to SCC students for free as well. Students can log into Brainfuse with their KCTCS student email and password. Tutoring for many subjects are available to students 24/7 online and virtual. There are also other educational tools and resources available to students such as a language lab, a writing lab, a program in which you can create flashcards, and more!
