Officer Duties | SCC

Campus Announcement:

SCC will be open on Friday, February 21, 2025. We understand that road conditions may vary across our service area. Students and employees should use their best judgment when deciding whether they can safely travel to campus. Be safe!

  • Students: If you cannot attend class in person, please communicate with your instructor.
  • Employees: If you are unable to make it to work, please coordinate with your supervisor.

Officer Duties & Responsibilities

Who makes up the SCC Student Government Association?

SCC’s Student Government Association is comprised of three groups of students:

Executive officers, including the president, vice-president and secretary-treasurer. This group is primarily responsible for coordinating SGA meetings and carrying out the administrative tasks of the Association.

Delegates from each campus and center, including a Delegate from the Casey, Clinton, McCreary and Russell Centers and the Somerset and Laurel campuses. This group is primarily responsible for coordinating activities at each SCC location and serving as a voice for the students on their respective campuses.

Representatives from each active, registered student organization on campus and the Student Ambassador Program.

What are the responsibilities of the executive officers?

Executive officers  include the president, vice-president and secretary-treasurer. The responsibilities for each are spelled in the Constitution of the Student Government Association of Somerset Community College and are spelled out below:

The President shall:

  • preside at all meetings of the Student Government Association.  All such meetings shall be conducted under Robert's Rules of Order, Revised unless otherwise indicated within this Constitution;
  • call all meetings, both regular and special, of the Student Government Association;
  • be a representative of the student body in academic affairs and public relations;
  • have the power of veto in all votes requiring a majority;
  • have the authority to dismiss any student member of the Student Government Association missing three meetings within a semester without a valid excuse;
  • appoint all Student Government Association committees;
  • make official all actions of the Student Government Association by affixing his/her signature to all Student Government Association documents; and
  • have the deciding vote in all voting situations resulting in a tie and, in all other cases, be a non-voting member of Student Government Association.

The Vice-President shall:

  • coordinate two activities on campus;
  • perform the duties of the President in the President's absence;
  • serve as a voting member of the Student Government Association; and
  • assist the President when so directed.

The Secretary-Treasurer shall:

  • coordinate two activities on campus;
  • keep and sign the record or minutes of each Student Government Association meeting.  Said meeting minutes shall be approved at a subsequent meeting of the Student Government Association; 
  • keep an accurate and separate record of by-laws approved by the Student Government Association.  Such by-laws are to be in effect only for the term of the enacting Student Government Association’s leadership;
  • keep an up-to-date record of Student Government Association membership and call roll at each meeting;
  • post all Student Government Association notices authorized by the President;
  • be responsible for all Student Government Association correspondence;
  • perform or delegate other clerical duties as the Student Government Association may direct;
  • keep accurate financial records of all funds of the Student Government Association and make financial reports to the Student Government Association as requested;
  • serve as a voting member of Student Government Association; and
  • keep an accurate record of all officially recognized student organizations.

The executive officers must maintain full-time student status during their term of office.

What are the responsibilities of the delegates?

Each campus and center is represented by its Delegate, with a Delegate from the Casey, Clinton, McCreary and Russell Centers and the Somerset and Laurel campuses.

The Delegates shall:

  • coordinate four or more activities on their campus or center each semester;
  • participate in SGA meetings as voting members;
  • serve as a liaison between the students from their respective site and their assigned student organizations to the SGA;
  • serve on committees and work groups as assigned; and
  • perform others tasks as assigned.

What are the responsibilities of the Representatives?

Each registered student organization may have one, and only one, Representative on SGA.  Only student members of registered student organizations may serve as representatives and vote on official SGA business. 

Representatives shall:

  • participate in SGA meetings as voting members;
  • serve as a liaison between the students from their respective student organization and the SGA;
  • serve on committees and work groups as assigned; and
  • perform others tasks as assigned.