How Do I Run for Office?
How are members of SGA selected?
Executive officers shall be elected by popular vote of the student body each April through a formal election process.
Delegates shall be elected in a separate election at their respective campuses and centers on a date following the election of executive officers.
Representatives shall be elected as decided by members of, officers of, members in charge of, and/or faculty sponsors of the student organization they represent.
Who may run for an SGA executive office?
Those students running for executive offices must:
- be full-time students of Somerset Community College who maintain permanent residency in the Commonwealth of Kentucky; and
- must have a grade-point average of 3.00 or above.
Who may run for an SGA Delegate position?
Those students running for delegate positions must:
- be at least half-time (six credit hours) students of Somerset Community College at the time of the spring election and must be enrolled as a full-time student (12 or more credit hours) for the following fall semester;
- maintain permanent residency in the Commonwealth of Kentucky; and
- must have a grade-point average of 2.50 or above.
- The Representative of the Casey Center: must be a full-time student of Somerset Community College who maintains permanent residency in the Commonwealth of Kentucky; must be enrolled in at least six hours of coursework at the Casey Center or must have completed at least twelve hours of coursework at the Casey Center in the past; and must maintain a grade-point average of 2.50 or above.
- The Representative of the Clinton Center: must be a full-time student of Somerset Community College who maintain permanent residency in the Commonwealth of Kentucky; must be enrolled in at least six hours of coursework at the Clinton Center or must have completed at least twelve hours of coursework at the Clinton Center in the past; and must maintain a grade-point average of 2.50 or above.
- The Representative of the Laurel Campus: must be a full-time student of Somerset Community College who maintain permanent residency in the Commonwealth of Kentucky; must be enrolled in at least six hours of coursework at the Laurel Campus or must have completed at least twelve hours of coursework at the Laurel Campus in the past; and must maintain a grade-point average of 2.50 or above.
- The Representative of the McCreary Center: must be a full-time student of Somerset Community College who maintain permanent residency in the Commonwealth of Kentucky; must be enrolled in at least six hours of coursework at the McCreary Center or must have completed at least twelve hours of coursework at the McCreary Center in the past; and must maintain a grade-point average of 2.50 or above.
- The Representative of the Russell Center: must be a full-time student of Somerset Community College who maintain permanent residency in the Commonwealth of Kentucky; must be enrolled in at least six hours of coursework at the Russell Center or must have completed at least twelve hours of coursework at the Russell Center in the past; and must maintain a grade-point average of 2.50 or above.
- The Representative of the Somerset Campus: must be a full-time student of Somerset Community College who maintain permanent residency in the Commonwealth of Kentucky; must be enrolled in at least six hours of coursework at the Somerset Campus or must have completed at least twelve hours of coursework at the Somerset in the past; and must maintain a grade-point average of 2.50 or above.
What steps must I take in order to run for an office?
Students wishing to run for an executive office (President, Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer) or for a Delegate position in the 2017-2018 academic year must:
- Obtain the official forms from the SGA Faculty Sponsor at jeff.brickley@kctcs.edu.
- Submit an official petition, signed by 25 or more members of the student body.
- Provide a letter of recommendation from a full-time SCC faculty member, staff member or administrator who can attest to the student’s leadership and academic abilities.
The documents must be received by the SGA Faculty Sponsor by Tuesday April 21, 2017 at 5:00 PM.
The student’s transcript and class schedule will be reviewed by the Dean of Student Affairs to insure that the student meets the minimum requirements to run for office.
Candidates are required to attend a formal orientation and must deliver a speech to the student body outlining their reasons for seeking office and their specific goals for the coming year.