Theatre Course Descriptions
Somerset Community College students may achieve an emphasis in theatre and film studies
while pursuing an Associate of Arts. To obtain the A.A. degree, students must complete
no fewer than 60 credit hours, which include general education requirements, and no
fewer than 12 credit hours from the list of courses below.
THA 101 Introduction to Theatre: Principles and Practice
Cultivates students judgment, perception, and creative response to theatre, emphasizing what and how theatre communicates through examining both processes and products of theatre.
HUM 281 Introduction to Film
Introduces the study of movies as a narrative art and a cultural document.
THA 126 Acting I: Fundamentals of Acting
Explores a broad spectrum of skills in the creative process of acting ensemble. Includes improvisation, movement disciplines (including theatre games, modern dance, and characterization), emotional and sensory awareness, and the process of integrating these into a clearly defined stage technique. Lecture:
THA 203 Acting for the Camera
Includes a fundamental approach to auditioning and acting for the camera.
Prerequisite: THA 126.
THA 260 Stagecraft
Provides a study of theory, principles and techniques of scenic design and construction. Includes assignments in practical applications.
TA 195 Special Projects in Theatre Arts (Directing Workshop)
Projects be repeated with different titles for up to six credit hours.
The training and practice of the basic techniques of stage directing.
TA 195 Special Projects in Theatre Arts (Dramatic Writing Workshop)
Projects be repeated with different titles for up to six credit hours.
The training and practice of the basic techniques in playwriting and screenwriting.
TA 195 Special Projects in Theatre Arts (Filmmaking Workshop)
Projects be repeated with different titles for up to six credit hours.
Transferable skills from theatre will be applied to filmmaking technique. Students
will engage in the conception, production and post-production aspects of the art form.
Your advisor will tailor curriculum to your specific needs. Email Thomas Alvey.