Agriculture Educators
Cultivating Good Farm Practices in South-Central Kentucky
Chris Pierce
(606) 219-0245
Guy Taylor
(606) 875-5383
Keeping area farmers up-to-date with best practices and new technology in farming is the goal of SCC’s agriculture educators. A few of the ways the educators accomplish these goals is through farm calls, providing on-farm consulting, and conducting regional meetings.
There are currently two educators at the college whose focus is agriculture. Their newsletter notifies area farmers of changes and upgrades in the industry as well as information on upcoming meetings. The months between growing seasons, October through March, is usually when the newsletter is produced and when most upgrade meetings are held. Many of the informational meetings are held at SCC computer labs. Any area farmer wishing to receive the newsletter and be notified of upcoming meetings can do so by contacting any of the ag educators and asking to be included on their mailing list.
As part of this mission, the group works very closely with the Kentucky Young Farmer Association (KYFA). Both educators serve as advisors for the group and represent the Central Cumberland Chapter. Anyone in these counties, as well as Lincoln County, Wayne County and the original counties - Pulaski, Laurel, Russell and Casey - can contact Pierce or Taylor.
Through the KYFA, the instructors help coordinate contests, banquets, and farm tours on the local and state level. Membership dues for the group are $25 a year, however KYFA meetings are free and open to the public.
Most of the programs supported by the group are directed toward production agriculture with the goal of increasing productivity and improving the quality of rural life.
Although SCC’s agriculture educators don’t hold regular classes or have offices at the college, their goal is the same as all instructors—to provide relevant information to those wanting to learn.
About the Kentucky Young Farmer Association (KYFA)
The Kentucky young farmer program is a vital part of the total system of agriculture education in the state.
Young farmers are those individuals who are out of high school, who have or want to become successfully established in farming or employed in an agricultural occupation or business.
The Kentucky Young Farmer Association (KYFA) is a leadership development organization of those students enrolled in Young Farmer Educational classes provided through the Kentucky Community and Technical College System. KYFA offers opportunities for members and spouses to participate in leadership development, competitive contests, and social and recreational activities.
For more information on the group, write to:
KY Young Farmer Association,
c/o KCTCS, 300 North Main Street, Versailles, KY 40383
or call or email any of SCC’s agriculture educators.