Radiography Pre-Admission Conference
Hello, welcome!
Thank you for your interest in the SCC Radiography Program. This online pre-admission conference is designed to provide information about the program, program requirements, and application instructions.
Since many of you may not know a lot about radiography, before you view the presentation, you may want to watch the video below. This video runs 6:38 minutes and gives a brief history and overview of the radiological sciences profession.
Overview of the Profession
A radiographer is a health professional who uses radiation to produce medical images of internal human anatomy. In some cases, the radiographer performs medical procedures that evaluate physiological functions. Medical radiographs and other medical imaging procedures are used by the physician to diagnose and treat human disease.
- The Radiography Program at SCC is a five semester Associate Degree Program, which combines academic and laboratory courses with highly technical clinical instruction.
- After graduation, a qualified student is eligible for national (ARRT) certification and KY state licensure.
- A prospective radiography student is advised that the ARRT examination board may not accept a student’s application if he/she has been convicted of a felony or major misdemeanor.
The Program's Mission
The mission of the SCC Radiography Program is to provide a quality affordable education in the field of radiologic technology. Using theory and performance-based instruction, the program’s faculty strives to provide an educational environment which equips the student with the entry level skills and professionalism of a radiographer, as well as strengthening critical thinking, problem solving, and communication skills.
Program Goals
- Students will apply radiation protection principles.
- Students will be able to competently perform routine radiographic procedures.
- Students will be able to select appropriate technical factors.
- Students will modify patient positioning and procedures for the non-routine patient.
- Students will modify radiographic exposures for the non-routine circumstances.
- Students will demonstrate improvement in problem-solving skill over the duration of the program.
- Students will demonstrate effective written communication skills.
- Students will demonstrate effective oral communication skills.
- Students will demonstrate effective interpersonal skills.
- Students will demonstrate reliability and punctuality.
- Students will exhibit a professional appearance and attitude.
Non-Discrimination Statement
Technical Standards
Radiography at the technical level involves the provision of direct care for individuals and is characterized by the application of verified knowledge in the skillful performance of radiologic functions. Therefore, in order to be considered for admission or to be retained in the program after admission, all applicants should possess the following technical standards:
- Sufficient visual acuity, such as is needed in the accurate preparation and administration of contrast media and the observation necessary for patient assessment and nursing care;
- Sufficient auditory perception to receive verbal communication from patients and members of the health team and to assess health needs of people through the use of monitoring devices such as cardiac monitors, stethoscopes, intravenous infusion pumps, fire alarms, etc.;
- Sufficient gross and fine motor coordination to respond promptly and to implement the skills including the manipulation of equipment, positioning and lifting patients required in meeting health needs related to radiologic technology;
- Sufficient communication skills (speech, reading, writing) to interact with individuals and to communicate their needs promptly and effectively, as may be necessary in the patient’s/client’s interest, and;
- Sufficient intellectual and emotional functions to plan and implement care for individuals.
NOTE: Due to liability issues, students are not allowed in the clinical setting is they are on limited duties restriction by their healthcare provider.
Program Admission Procedure
If you are not currently enrolled at Somerset Community College, your first step in the program application process is to apply to the college.
- Complete an official application to Somerset Community College online (button at the bottom of page)
- If you need Admissions assistance, please contact the GO! KCTCS STUDENT SERVICES CENTER at (855) 664-6722 or Email: scccontactcenter@kctcs.edu
Note: This application is for admission to the College only; it is not an application to the Radiography Program.
- A student who applies for admission to SCC will receive instructions to establish access to Student Self-Service, providing access to registration, grades, class schedule, financial aid, bill payment, etc.
- After receiving the completed SCC application and other supporting documents as instructed by the Admissions Office, the student will be notified of his/her admission status.
- All enrolled SCC students are given a KCTCS-assigned email account; official communication from faculty and student service personnel will be sent to that address.
High School Transcripts
- First-time College students must request an official high school transcript or GED to be sent to the Admissions Office.
- Mail to: Admissions Office
Somerset Community College
808 Monticello Street
Somerset, KY 42501
College Transcripts
- Request official transcripts from all previously attended colleges or universities to be sent to the Admissions Office.
- Transcripts from other KCTCS colleges do not have to be sent, however, any transcript from other colleges or universities sent to another KCTCS college cannot be used by the SCC’s Admissions.
- Please use the same mailing address as on previous slide.
Note: A sealed transcript issued to a student or submitted by a student will NOT be accepted by the Admissions Office.
An ACT score is needed for the radiography application process.
- Complete the American College Test (ACT) exam and have results sent to the admissions office by the application deadline.
- ACT exam are scheduled directly through the ACT at www.act.org
- Allow 4-6 weeks from the test date for the ACT results to be returned to Somerset
Community College.
- A minimum composite score of 20 on the ACT or residual ACT is required to receive points on the point system for admission into the radiography program. Without the minimum score, the applicant’s competitiveness for admission will be seriously compromised.
- Applicants receive points only for ACT or ACT residual scores; no other placement exam scores are used.
Read all the material presented in this online pre-admission conference.
After you have completed this online pre-admission conference, you can submit an online application at the bottom of this page.
- The selection committee will meet the last week of April to evaluate applicants.
- Any coursework completed prior to April 1 will be included in the evaluation.
- When the selection committee meets, a points sheet is completed on each applicant, and the top sixteen to eighteen (16-18) applicants are recommended to the President and/or his designee for admission.
- Official letters of admission come from the Provost's Office.
- Qualified applicants should receive notification of either acceptance, non-acceptance,
or alternate status around June 1.
- Please note: A "qualified applicant" has completed all 4 steps above.
Membership on the Radiography Program Selection Committee may include any or all of the following persons:
- Program Coordinator
- Program Clinical Coordinator
- College Faculty Member or Academic Advisor
- Dean of Health Sciences
- Vice-President of Student affairs
- Applications do not carry over from one admission cycle to the next.
- If you are not accepted and wish to apply for the next year’s class, you must complete the application process again.
- The Radiography Program does not have a “waiting list.”
- Admission to the program is based solely on an objective points system.
- The points system can be found below.
Admissions Points System
The points system is subject to change by August 1 each year. Please check back prior to the Fall Semester to see if any changes have been made.
ACT Score | Points |
20+ | Equal to the composite ACT score (20, 21, 22, etc.) |
Course | Points for Course Letter Grades | Course/Program Completed at SCC? |
BIO 137 | "A" = 16; "B" = 12; "C" = 8 | Yes = +2; No = +0 |
BIO 139 | "A" = 16; "B" = 12; "C" = 8 | Yes = +2; No = +0 |
MAT 150 | "A" = 12; "B" = 9; "C" = 6 | Yes = +2; No = +0 |
ENG 101 | "A" = 12; "B" = 9; "C" = 6 | Yes = +2; No = +0 |
HER / HUM | "A" = 12; "B" = 9; "C" = 6 | Yes = +2; No = +0 |
SOCIAL INTERACT | "A" = 12; "B" = 9; "C" = 6 | Yes = +2; No = +0 |
Credential | Points |
High School Dual Credit Completion with passing score: MAT 150 and/or higher, BIO 137 w/ lab, and/or BIO 139 w/ lab) | 2 each (Max. 6) |
Healthcare Related-Education Certificate/Certification/Licensure: Applies to any health science related certificate completed, certification obtained or licensure through a certified health related body. | 2 each (Max. 6) |
Associate Degree or Higher | 5 |
Total Points Possible: 145
Pre-Requisites for the Program
Prior to beginning the radiography program the student must have completed
- BIO 137 Anatomy & Physiology
- MAT 150 College Algebra (or a higher level math course)
- If an applicant has not completed BIO 137 and/or MAT 150 by the application deadline, he or she may still be admitted, contingent upon completing the course(s) in the summer before beginning the program.
- All three math/science general education required for the AAS in radiography must be completed with a minimum letter grade of “C” in order to graduate from the program.
Strategies for the Selective Admission Program
Admission to the radiography program is competitive. The number of students accepted is limited because a portion of the teaching is done in hospitals which cannot accommodate large numbers of students. Additionally, enrollment in the radiography program may be restricted due to limited laboratory facilities or faculty and program resources.
An applicant is considered a competitive candidate if he/she has:
- ACT composite score is 20 or greater
- Cumulative GPA of 3.0 or greater
- Completed all or nearly all the 6 general education courses
- Completed BIO 137, BIO 139, and MAT 150 with a grade of “A” on the 1st attempt
It is particularly beneficial to have completed the three math and science courses, since grades of an “A” are awarded additional points.
Program Orientation
- Students admitted into the program are expected to attend an orientation session scheduled during the week in August, prior to the beginning of the fall semester.
During the orientation session:
- The Radiography Student Handbook will be given out and its content covered by the program faculty.
- During a private session with Program Coordinator, the Radiography Plan of Study will be explained & signed.
- Student Photo IDs made.
Admission Criteria
Potential candidates are recommended to the President by the Radiography Admissions Committee. The Admissions Committee will make their recommendations based on the following:
- Completion of BIO 137 and MAT 150 prior to beginning the program.
- Preference may be given to applicants who:
- Score a composite of 20 or above on ACT
- GPA of 3.0 based on the student’s overall GPA or their GPA of the required general education courses, whichever is highest. To have the general education courses used to calculate the student’s GPA, a minimum of 4 of the required 6 courses must be completed
- Completed biological sciences and math courses listed in Radiography Program Curriculum with a letter grade of an “A” on the first attempt
- Residents of Kentucky
Tuition & Fees Rates
The tuition and fee schedule can be found on Tuition & Costs and in the KCTCS Catalog. This amount also includes:
- Liability insurance fee of $11 per semester (added directly to tuition bill)
- There are no lab or dosimetry (radiation monitoring) fees for the program.
Financial aid is available in the form of scholarships, grants, and loans through the Financial Aid Office. Any student seeking financial aid should contact the Financial Aid Office in the Harold Rogers Student Commons on Somerset North Campus.
Supplies | Cost |
Books and Supplies | $700 (entire program) |
Uniforms & Shoes | $250 per set (3 sets min suggested) |
Vaccinations | $300 (including Hep-B) |
Background & Drug Screening | $80 (annually) |
CPR Certification | $50 |
Graduation Cap & Gown | $40 (optional) |
ASRT Student Membership | $35 (optional) |
National Student Seminar | $400 (optional) |
KSRT Student Seminar | $50 (optional) |
KSP Background Check | $20 |
KBMIRT License | $60 (State License; last semester of program) |
Passport Photo | $15 |
ARRT Registry Exam Fee | $200 (Boards fee; last semester of program) |
Post-Admission Requirements
Since student begin their clinical practice courses during the second semester, you will have to provide the Clinical Coordinator copies of the following documents prior to the last day of classes of the first semester:
- CPR Certification Card (must be the American Heart Association – Basic Life Support)
- Immunizations or titers showing immunity to the following:
- Varicella (or medical documentation of chicken pox)
- Flu
- Hepatitis B vaccinations (first of the series minimum) or a signed declination form
- TB skin test (PPD), or Interferon Gamma Release Assay Blood Test
- Background Check & Drug screening
Program Curriculum
- MAT 150 - College Algebra or higher level (3 credit hours)
- BIO 137 - Anatomy & Physiology I (4 credit hours)
- BIO 139 - Anatomy & Physiology II (4 credit hours)
- ENG 101 - Writing I (3 credit hours)
- Social Interaction (3 credit hours)
- Heritage or Humanities (3 credit hours)
Total: 20 credit hours
- DMI 102 - Med Term for Radiographers (1 credit hour)
- DMI 106 - Patient Care & Ethics in Radiography (3 credit hours)
- DMI 108 - Radiographic Procedures I (4 credit hours)
- DMI 110 - Radiography Practicum I (1 credit hour)
- DMI 112 - X-ray Prod, Exp & Image Acquisition (3 credit hours)
- DMI 115 - Pharmacology for Radiographers (2 credit hours)
- DMI 118 - Radiographic Procedures II (4 credit hours)
- DMI 120 - Radiography Practicum II (2 credit hours)
- DMI 130 - Radiography Practicum III (2 credit hours)
- DMI 128 - Radiographic Procedures III (3 credit hours)
- DMI 212 - Rad Equipment & Quality Control (3 credit hours)
- DMI 220 - Radiography Practicum IV (4 credit hours)
- DMI 222 - Image Analysis (2 credit hours)
- DMI 226 - Radiographic Anatomy & Pathology (3 credit hours)
- DMI 228 - Seminars in Radiography (3 credit hours)
- DMI 230 - Radiography Practicum V (4 credit hours)
Total: 46 credit hours
Total Credit Hours: 66 credit hours
Summer Prior to Program
- MAT 150 - College Algebra (3 credit hours)
- BIO 137 - Anatomy & Physiology I (4 credit hours)
1st Semester Fall
- DMI 102 - Med Term for Radiographers (1 credit hour)
- DMI 106 - Patient Care & Ethics (3 credit hours)
- DMI 108 - Radiographic Procedures I (4 credit hours)
- DMI 112 - X-ray Prod, Exp & Acquisition (3 credit hours)
- BIO 139 - Anatomy & Physiology II (4 credit hours)
Total: 15 credit hours
2nd Semester Spring
- DMI 110 - Radiography Practicum (1 credit hour)
- DMI 118 - Radiographic Procedures II (4 credit hours)
- DMI 115 - Pharmacology for Radiographers (2 credit hours)
- DMI 128 - Radiographic Procedures III (3 credit hours)
- ENG 101 - Writing I (3 credit hours)
Total: 13 credit hours
3rd Semester Summer
- DMI 120 - Radiography Practicum II (2 credit hours)
- DMI 130 - Radiography Practicum III (2 credit hours)
Total: 4 credit hours
4th Semester Fall
- DMI 212 - Rad Equipment & Quality Control (3 credit hours)
- DMI 220 - Radiography Practicum IV (4 credit hours)
- DMI 222 - Image Analysis (2 credit hours)
- DMI 224 - Rad Biology & Protection (2 credit hours)
- Heritage/Humanities (3 credit hours)
Total: 11 credit hours
5th Semester Spring
- DMI 226 - Rad Anatomy & Pathology (3 credit hours)
- DMI 228 - Seminars in Radiography (3 credit hours)
- DMI 230 - Radiography Practicum V (4 credit hours)
- Social/Interaction (3 credit hours)
Total: 12 credit hours
Clinical Obligations
The clinical component of the Somerset Community College Radiography Program is a total of 13 credit hours. The contact/clock hour to credit hour ratio is 90:1. The total number of clinical contact hours in the program is 1,170 hours. The clinical education courses are as follows:
- DMI 110 - Radiography Practicum I (1 credit hour, 90 clock hours)
- DMI 120 - Radiography Practicum II (2 credit hours, 180 clock hours)
- DMI 130 - Radiography Practicum III (2 credit hours, 180 clock hours)
- DMI 220 - Radiography Practicum IV (4 credit hours, 360 clock hours)
- DMI 230 - Radiography Practicum V (4 credit hours, 360 clock hours)
Time & Travel
- In order to provider a wider perspective of the profession, students do clinical rotations at a minimum of 2 facilities.
- Clinical times are routinely scheduled from 7:30am - 10:30pm, as available at the assigned clinical site.
- Students may be assigned to a clinical schedule that includes 8 or 10 hour clinical
days, provided availability at the assigned clinical site.
- The 10-hour clinical schedule is from 8:00am – 6:30pm, or as assigned.
- Students may be assigned to a clinical site that is greater than one hour from their home.
- Students are responsible for their own transportation to clinic.
- Clinical days vary from semester to semester.
- In the fall and spring, a routine 8-hour clinical schedule is 3-days per week, for 15-weeks.
- For summer, a routine 8-hour clinical schedule is 4 days per week, for two 6-week bi-terms.
Documents to be submitted to the Clinical Coordinator prior to beginning first clinical rotation in the second semester:
- CPR Certification
- TB Testing (PPD or IGRA or Chest X-ray Report)
- Immunizations records or titers showing immunity (MMR, T-DAP, Varicella)
- Flu vaccine
- Hep-B vaccine or signed declination form
- Background Check & Drug Screening results
- Any additional vaccinations specific to the assigned clinical site (e.g., Flu)
- Completed MRI/Magnetic Safety Training
- Completed Student MRI Screening form
- Complete Clinical Site’s Orientation Requirements
At the Clinical Site
- It is important students to keep a few things in mind when at a clinical site:
- We are guests at those facilities; we are there by invitation only.
- The host always has the right to ask the guest to leave!
- As a radiography student at Somerset Community College you represent the program,
the college, and the radiography profession.
- Never do, or say, anything that diminishes the image of any of the three!
- You are potentially being evaluated for future employment.
- Think of clinicals as an extended job interviews!
- Clinical sites have assigned areas/lots for student parking.
- All hospital and clinical facilities are smoke-free; if you smoke off-campus, for example on your lunch break, and return to the department smelling of tobacco smoke, you will be sent home. The missed time will be unexcused and will be made-up.
- Odor and fragrance free; student are not to go to clinical with any natural odors or applied scents; including scented lotions.
- Most clinical sites have restrictions on body and/or facial piercing; limiting visible piercing to the ear lobes (males and females). While the program does not prohibit tattoos or body markings, some healthcare institutions might have policies restricting visible tattoos.
The Fifth and Final Semester
In preparation for graduation and entering the profession:
- Applying to take American Registry of Radiologic Technologist Registry Examination
(National Boards)
- During the 5th semester, usually in February, students are given an ARRT Registry Examination packet.
- Requires a recent pass-port photo.
- Once completed and signed the student and program coordinator, the application can be mailed to the ARRT at anytime.
- Application fee for the ARRT Registry examination is $200.
- Application processing takes approximately 4-6 weeks.
- Once process the applicant will be sent a letter from the ARRT instructing them on how and when to schedule their examination.
- Applying for a Kentucky State Radiographer’s License
- Approximately 2-3 prior to graduation students are given applications to apply for a state license from the Kentucky Board of Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy.
- Requires a Background Check by the Kentucky State Police; fee is $20.
- The licensing application fee is $60.
ARRT Certification - Important Notice
- After completing the competency based education curriculum, a qualified student is eligible to take the American Registry of Radiologic Technologist (ARRT) certification examination.
- A prospective radiography student is advised that the ARRT examination board may not accept a student’s application if there has been a conviction of a felony or major misdemeanor, including drug possession, assault, DUIs and/or public intoxication.
- Students who have been convicted of, or pled guilty to, or plead no lo contendere to a crime, SHOULD request a pre-application review of the violation in order to obtain a ruling on the impact of their eligibility for examination.
- A special pre-application review form may be requested from the ARRT office.
- For more information, please contact:
The American Registry of Radiologic Technologists
1255 Northland Dr.
St. Paul, Minnesota 55120-1155
Phone (651) 687-0048 or
online at www.arrt.org
Articulation Agreement with Morehead State University
Somerset Community College has an articulation agreement with Morehead State University to accept the radiography program’s graduates with senior academic status if the following criteria have been met by the graduate:
- Graduate of the radiography program with an Associate in Applied Science (AAS) degree.
- Completion of the KCTCS Associate in Arts/Block transfer.
- Must pass the ARRT registry examination prior to enrollment.
Morehead State University offers the transfer student the following options regarding completion of a bachelors degree:
- Computed Tomography & Magnetic Resonance (selective admission)
- Diagnostic Medical Sonography (selective admission)
- On-line Bachelor’s degree in Medical Imaging Sciences-Leadership
Transfer of Credit
- The transfer of general education courses from other higher-education institutions to Somerset Community College is handled by the college’s Registrar.
- Post registry radiographers seeking completion of an AAS degree receive 46 credit hours for being ARRT registered; needing only to complete the general education requirement as well as the college’s requirements for graduation.
- Currently enrolled radiography students at other intuitions requesting to transfer to Somerset Community College’s Radiography Program will be judged on an individual basis. Please contact the program director for more information.
Program Effectiveness Data
The SCC Radiography program #0511 is accredited by the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology.
20 North Wacker DriveSuite 2850
Chicago, IL 60606-3182
(312) 704-5300
The program’s current award is eight years. General program accreditation information and the current accreditation award letter can be found here.
Important Information
The next Radiography program admission will be in Fall 2025. The application will be available from January 1 to April 1, 2025.
If you have further questions, contact Tanya Cowan at tanya.cowan@kctcs.edu or (606) 451-6764.
Program Contact Information
Randall Hammock
Radiography Program Coordinator
(606) 451-6774
Tanya Cowan
Health Sciences Division Senior Administrative Assistant (Somerset North Campus)
Blakley Academic and Technical Building, Office 301
(606) 451-6764
Shanda Catron
Clinical Coordinator
(606) 451-6755
Miranda McQueen
Health Sciences Division Administrative Assistant (Laurel Campus)
Allied Health Building 3, Office 214
(606) 878-4831