Start Here. Finish Here.
Providing access to complete a four-year degree with our university partners at Somerset Community College.
Learn about UCSK, our Mission & Vision, and why you should choose UCSK to get your four-year degree.
Find out more information about our partner schools and how to apply to them.
Check out what programs we have to offer at each of our partner schools.
Find information by school or program to help you determine what courses you should take to give you a seamless transfer experience.
Visit the National Student Clearinghouse to order a transcript online 24/7. Your order will generally be processed within one business day.
See our events, including the major events and deadlines for our partner schools and universities.
Find answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about UCSK.
Find help with making more informed decisions about your career choice and employment opportunities.
Meet our staff and find out where we're located.