Winter Session 2024
SCC will offer a Winter Session from December 16, 2024 to January 12, 2025, with an expanded list of online courses that give students an opportunity to lighten their course load for the following semester or accelerate their path to graduation.
Use your winter break to:
- Accelerate your studies
- Catch up on credits
- Pick up a requirement or fulfill a prerequisite
- Save money while you are home
Benefits of a Winter session class:
- Single course focus
- Intensive format
- Same academic excellence as fall/spring semesters
- Graduate on schedule
Winter session courses are charged per credit and may be included in your spring financial aid package. Contact Student Financial Services for information about billing and payment deadlines.
We hope you'll join us this winter!
Class Schedule
BIO 118 Microbes and Society
3 credit hours | Kelly Johnson
COM 252 - Intro to Interpersonal Comm
3 credit hours | Christin Kidd Neal
EMS 125 - Advanced EMT Clinical Experien
3 credit hours | Jimmie Foster, Jr.
FYE 100 Strategies for College Success
1 credit hour | Jeffery Abner
HIS 108 History of the US through 1865
3 credit hours | Dana Muse
MAT 141 Liberal Arts Mathematics
3 credit hour | Eric Deaton
MAT 151 Intro to Applied Statistics
3 credit hour | Richard Matika
MUS 100 - Intro to Music
3 credit hour | Joel Dodd
PSY 110 General Psychology
3 credit hours | Kelly Barnes
PSY 223 - Lifespan Psychology
3 credit hours | Megan Weatherford
PSY 223 Developmental Psychology
3 credit hours | Megan Weatherford
PSY 298 - Abnormal Psychology
3 credit hours | Kelly Barnes
REL 130 Intro to Comparative Religion
3 credit hours | Joshua Jones