PTA Admissions Point System
All applicants will be scored on the following criteria:
ACT Composite* | Points |
<18 | 0 |
19 | 4 |
20, 21 | 7 |
22, 23 | 10 |
24, 25 | 13 |
26, 27 | 16 |
28, 29 | 19 |
30+ | 22 |
*ACT scores will be super-scored beginning in the 2022-2023 admissions cycle
Observation Hours
Historically, the PTA Program has required that students perform observation hours as a requirement for admission to the PTA Program and afforded points for hours performed above the minimum. The program will no longer require observation or award points for observation from 2015 forward.
Work Experience** | Points |
< 1 year | 1 |
1+ | 3 |
2+ | 6 |
3+ | 9 |
Formal PT Aide or Technician certification*** | 1 |
**Points for work experience must be as a physical therapy technician/aide with supervision by a physical therapist.
***Completion of a PT Aide/Technician Certification Course will count as one year’s experience, but will not be awarded if there is actual work experience.
- Additional points awarded:
- Prior application to program: 1 point
- Prior placement on alternate list: 1 point
High School/College Experience
Applicants will fall into one of these three categories:
Minimum of 12 hours of required general education courses completed prior to applying to program. (35 points possible + 33 points from top chart = 68 points maximum.)
Course | Points Awarded |
BIO 137 OR EQUIVALENT | A - 6 B - 3 C - 1 |
BIO 139 OR EQUIVALENT | A - 6 B - 3 C - 1 |
PSY 110 OR EQUIVALENT | A - 3 B - 2 C - 1 |
PSY 223 OR EQUIVALENT | A - 3 B - 2 C - 1 |
HERITAGE/HUMANITY | A - 3 B - 2 C - 1 |
COMPUTER/DIGITAL LIT | A - 1 B - 1 C - 1 |
ENG 101 OR EQUIVALENT | A - 3 B - 2 C - 1 |
MAT 150 OR HIGHER* | A - 5 B - 3 C - 1 |
*One additional point may be awarded for completion of CPR 100 or equivalent, but only if the course was completed for college credit and only if the course is on the applicant’s transcript.
35 points possible + 33 from top chart = 68 maximum
High School Rank | Points |
75-79 percent | 10 |
80-84 percent | 15 |
85-89 percent | 20 |
90-94 percent | 25 |
95+ percent | 31 |
Plus 1 point for each A/B grade in a math or science course (maximum 4 points)
35 points possible + 33 from top chart = 68 maximum.
GED Percentile | Points |
75th percentile | 2 |
80th percentile | 3 |
85th percentile | 4 |
90th percentile | 5 |
95th percentile | 7 |
Prior to 2014, there were five sections on the GED. Points are awarded as shown to the left. In 2014, the Reading and Writing Sections were combined into one section. For students testing after 2014, those sections are awarded: 14 points for 95th percentile; 10, 8, 6 and 4 for the remaining percentiles.
- Points awarded for courses taken MUST be completed and on the applicant’s transcript prior to the April 1 application deadline.
- If applicant is transferring college credit from another institution, credit is awarded only for courses that transfer in as the appropriate corresponding course as determined by the SCC Admissions Office and/or Registrar. Points for courses completed will not be awarded for courses that do not transfer in as the appropriate corresponding course.
- For applicants who were home-schooled with fewer than twelve college credits of the program’s general education curriculum, a consortium rank is acceptable to determine class rank. In addition, the ACT must be completed in order to be considered for a position in the program.
- Preference may be given to students residing in areas underserved by the physical therapy profession or regions where no PTA Program exists or to those providing letters of recommendation from physical therapists or physical therapist assistants.
- Applicants graduating from high school in the previous academic year may elect to be viewed as either high school students or college students.
- All applicants, including those with prior degrees, are required to complete and submit documentation of ACT outcomes.
Interview Process
All PTA Program finalists are required to participate in a formal interview process. The interview is a panel interview with the program’s Admissions Committee. The purpose of the interview is to evaluate the applicant’s affective skills (communication abilities, professional demeanor, etc.) and their knowledge of the profession. The intent is to improve student retention by admitting students who exhibit a good knowledge base of the profession and key characteristics vital to success in the filed of physical therapy. All students will receive the same questions and will be scored based upon the content of their responses. Questions will focus on:
- The applicant’s general knowledge of the profession of physical therapy, work settings, challenges of the profession, and role of the APTA;
- The applicant’s understanding of the roles of the physical therapist and physical therapist assistant and their professional relationships;
- The applicant’s rationale for the selection of physical therapy as their profession of choice;
- The applicant’s knowledge of the PTA Program’s curriculum and requirements associated with clinical and didactic experiences; and
- Other areas related to the profession and to the applicant’s personal successes and challenges.
It is recommended that students who are selected for interviews review information available on the SCC website related to the PTA Program and visit the American Physical Therapy Association’s website to learn more about the profession prior to the interview.
Other websites of interest include, but are not limited to:
- APTA-Kentucky
- Kentucky Board of Physical Therapy
- Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy
- The Commission on Physical Therapy Education
- The Foundation for Physical Therapy Research
- SCC PTA Program
A writing sample is included to assess the applicant’s written communication abilities.