Radiography Outcomes | SCC

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Program Finder

Radiography Outcomes

2023-2024 GOAL 1: Students will develop the clinical competency of an entry-level radiographer
Objective Assessment Tool Course Assessed Time Frame Grading Scale Benchmark Outcome
Students will practice proper patient radiation safety. Questioning pregnancy on lab practical exams. DMI 108 Procedures I Fall 1st year Yes or No 90% or greater with “Yes” 19/19 students, 99.47%
Proper collimation on lab practical exams. DMI 108 Procedures I Fall 1st year Yes or No 90% or greater with “Yes” 19/19 students, 90.00%
Questioning pregnancy on clinical competencies. DMI 230 Clinical V Spring 2nd year Yes or No Yes ≥ 95% 94 opportunities
100% Likert-5.0
Questioning proper collimation on clinical competencies. DMI 230 Clinical V Spring 2nd year Yes or No Yes ≥ 95% No data, no 2nd year cohort.
Students will exercise appropriate methods of radiation exposure and image analysis. Exposure & Image Analysis. DMI 112 Image Production Fall 1st year 0-100% Average 4.0 or greater (Likert scale 1-5) 19/19 students, 4.75 (Likert scale(1-5)
Technical factor selection questions on clinical competencies. DMI 230 Clinical V Spring 2nd year 0-100% Average of ≥ 90% No data, no 2nd year cohort.
Image analysis component of clinical competencies. DMI 230 Clinical V Spring 2nd year 0-100% Average of ≥ 90% No data, no 2nd year cohort.
Students will be able to competently perform routine radiographic procedures. Clinical components of clinical competencies. DMI 220 Clinical IV Fall 2nd year 0-100% Average of ≥ 80% No data, no 2nd year cohort.
Clinical components of clinical competencies. DMI 230 Clinical V Spring 2nd year 0-100% Average of ≥ 90% No data, no 2nd year cohort.
2023-2024 GOAL 2: Students will exhibit critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
Objective Assessment Tool Course Assessed Time Frame Grading Scale Benchmark Outcome
Students will modify patient positioning and procedures for the non-routine patient. Question 19 on Student Performance Evaluation. DMI 220 Clinical IV Fall 2nd year Likert scale 0-4 Average of ≥ 2 No data, no 2nd year cohort.
Question 19 on Student Performance Evaluation. DMI 230 Clinical V Spring 2nd year Likert scale 0-4 Average of ≥ 3 No data, no 2nd year cohort.
Students will modify radiographic exposures for non-routine circumstances. Question 20 on Student Performance Evaluation. DMI 220 Clinical IV Fall 2nd year Likert scale 0-4 Average of ≥ 2 No data, no 2nd year cohort.
Question 20 on Student Performance Evaluation. DMI 230 Clinical V Spring 2nd year Likert scale 0-4 Average of ≥ 3 No data, no 2nd year cohort.
2023-2024 GOAL 3: Students will effectively communicate.
Objective Assessment Tool Time Frame Grading Scale Benchmark Outcome
Students will demonstrate effective written communication skills. Research paper assignment. Fall 2nd year 0-100% ≥ 85% No data, no 2nd year cohort.
Students will demonstrate effective oral communication skills. Presentation of the research paper. Fall 2nd year 0-100% ≥ 85% No data, no 2nd year cohort.
Pathology case study presentation. Spring 2nd year 0-100% ≥ 85% No data, no 2nd year cohort.
Students will demonstrate effective interpersonal skills. Group research project/presentation. Fall 2nd year Likert scale 0-10 Average of > 8 No data, no 2nd year cohort.
Communication skills on clinical competencies. Spring 2nd year Likert scale 0-4 Average of ≥ 3 No data, no 2nd year cohort.
2022-2023 Goal #1: Students will develop the clinical competency of an entry level radiographer.
Objective Assessment Tool Time Frame Grading Scale Benchmark Outcome
Students will practice proper patient radiation safety. Questioning pregnancy on lab practical exams. Fall 1st year Yes or No Yes ≥ 90% No fall 1st year class
Proper collimation on lab practical exams. Fall 1st year Yes or No Yes ≥ 90% No fall 1st year class
Questioning pregnancy on clinical competencies. Spring 2nd year Yes or No Yes ≥ 95%

94 opportunities
100% Likert-5.0

Questioning & proper collimation on clinical competencies. Spring 2nd year Yes or No Yes ≥ 95%

94 opportunities

Students will exercise appropriate methods of radiation exposure and image analysis. Exposure techniques & Indices exam. Fall 1st year 0–100% Average of ≥ 80% No fall 1st year class
Technical factor selection questions on clinical competencies. Spring 2nd year 0–100% Average of ≥ 90% 12 students
4.32 average
99.14% average
Image analysis component of clinical competencies. Spring 2nd year 0–100% Average of ≥ 90% 11/11 students
90.04% average
Students will be able to competently perform routine radiographic procedures. Clinical components of clinical competencies. Fall 2nd year 0–100% Average of ≥ 80% 94 opportunities
94/94 = 100%
Clinical components of clinical competencies. Spring 2nd year 0–100% Average of ≥ 90% 14 opportunities/students
14/14 = 100%
2022-2023 Goal #2: Students will exhibit critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
Objective Assessment Tool Time Frame Grading Scale Benchmark Outcome
Students will modify patient positioning and procedures for the non- routine patient. Question 19 on Student Performance Evaluation. Fall 2nd year Likert scale 0–4 Average of ≥ 2 12/12 students
3.52 average
Question 19 on Student Performance Evaluation. Spring 2nd year Likert scale 0–4 Average of ≥ 3 12/12 students
4.33 average
Students will modify radiographic exposures for non-routine circumstances. Question 20 on Student Performance Evaluation. Fall 2nd year Likert scale 0–4 Average of ≥ 2 12/12 students
3.48 average
Question 20 on Student Performance Evaluation. Spring 2nd year Likert scale 0–4 Average of ≥ 3 12/12 students
4.28 average
2022-2023 Goal #3: Students will effectively communicate.
Objective Assessment Tool Time Frame Grading Scale Benchmark Outcome
Students will demonstrate effective written communication skills. Incident report writing assignment. Spring 1st year 0–100% ≥ 85% 12/12 students
89.1% average
Research paper assignment. Fall 2nd year 0–100% ≥ 85% 12 students
94.6% average
Students will demonstrate effective oral communication skills. Presentation of research paper. Fall 2nd year 0–100% ≥ 85% 12 students
94.6% average
Pathology case study presentation. Spring 2nd year 0–100% ≥ 85% 12 students
95.2% average
Students will demonstrate effective interpersonal skills. Group digitization project. Fall 2nd year Likert 0–10 Average of > 8 Not required Fall 2022
Communication skills on clinical competencies. Spring 2nd year Likert 0–4 Average of ≥ 3 14 opportunities
4.41 average score
No Freshman Cohort.
2020-2021 Goal #1: The student will develop the clinical competency of an entry level radiographer.
Outcomes Expected Measurement Tools Benchmark Time Frame Responsible Party Actual Outcome
Students will practice proper patient care and safety skills. Questioning patient regarding pregnancy and the use of proper collimation during Practical Exams in DMI 108 Procedures I, DMI 118 Procedures II, & DMI 128 Procedures III. Will receive “Yes” (scale Yes or No) > 95% of the time to these two tasks. Fall & Spring Semesters Didactic Faculty  
Questioning patient regarding pregnancy and the use of proper collimation on the clinical component of the competency exams during DMI 220 Practicum IV DMI 230 Practicum V. Will receive “Yes” (scale Yes or No) > 95% of the time to these two tasks. Fall & Spring Semesters Clinical Coordinator   
Students will exercise appropriate methods of radiation exposure and image analysis. Indices Practical Exam in DMI 114 Image Production Average > 85% 
Fall Semester

Didactic Faculty


Image Analysis component of the competency exams during DMI 220 Practicum IV. Average > 85% 
Fall Semester

Didactic Faculty 

Image Analysis component of the competency exams during DMI 230 Practicum V. Average > 90% 
Spring Semester

Clinical Coordinator 

Students will be able to perform routine radiographic procedures competently. Clinical component of the competency exams during IMG 219 Practicum IV. Average > 85% 
Fall Semester

Clinical Coordinator 

Clinical component of the competency exams during IMG 229 Practicum V. Average > 90% 
Spring Semester

Clinical Coordinator 

2020-2021 Goal #2: The student will exhibit critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
Outcomes Expected Measurement Tools Benchmark Time Frame Responsible Party Actual Outcome
Students will modify patient positioning and procedures for the non-routine patient Question 19 on SPE during DMI 130 Practicum III. Score of > 2 
(Likert scale 0-4)
Summer Session Clinical Coordinator  
Question 19 on SPE during DMI 230 Practicum V.  Score > 3 
(Likert scale 0-4)
Spring Semester Clinical Coordinator  
Students will modify radiographic exposures for non-routine circumstances Question 20 on SPE during DMI 130 Practicum III. Score > 2 
(Likert scale 0-4)
Summer Session Clinical Coordinator  
Question 20 on SPE during DMI 230 Practicum V.  Score > 3 
(Likert scale 0-4)
Spring Semester Clinical Coordinator  
2020-2021 Goal #3: Students will communicate effectively.
Outcomes Expected Measurement Tools Benchmark Time Frame Responsible Party Actual Outcome
Student will demonstrate effective written communication skills. Incident report writing assignment in DMI 115 Pharmacology. Average > 85% 
Spring Semester Didactic Faculty  
History Writing ExwiGoalam DMI 110 Clinical Practicum I Average > 80% 
Spring Semester Didactic Faculty  
Written history component of lab practical exams in DMI 118 Radiographic Procedures II.  Average > 85% 
Spring Semester Didactic Faculty  
Student will demonstrate effective oral communication skills. Pathology Case Study assignment in DMI 226 Anatomy & Pathology. Average > 85% 
Spring Semester Didactic Faculty  
Student will demonstrate effective interpersonal skills. Questions numbered 3, 4, 6, 18, 20, and 24 on Student Competency Evaluations in DMI 230 Practicum V. Will receive “Yes” (scale Yes or No) 100% of the time on these 6 tasks. Spring Semester Clinical Coordinator  
Oral image critique assignment in DMI 222 Image Analysis.  Average > 85% 
Fall Semester Didactic Faculty  
2020-2021 Goal #4: The student will demonstrate professionalism.
Outcomes Expected Measurement Tools Benchmark Time Frame Responsible Party Actual Outcome
Student will demonstrate reliability and punctuality in both the didactic and clinical components of the program. Attendance and tardiness records for class, laboratory, or clinical during the entire program. No more than one “unsatisfactory” demerit per semester. End of program for each cohort. Program & Clinical Coordinators   
SPE questions 1-3 (punctuality) during DMI 120 Practicum II, DMI 130 Practicum III, DMI 220 Practicum IV, and DMI 230 Practicum V. Score > 3 
(Likert scale 0-4)
End of program for each cohort. Program & Clinical Coordinators   
The student will exhibit a professional appearance and attitude. SPE questions 4-7 (professional appearance) during DMI 120 Practicum II, DMI 130 Practicum III, DMI 220 Practicum IV, and DMI 230 Practicum V.

Score > 3 (Likert scale 0-4)

End of program for each cohort. Program & Clinical Coordinators   
SPE questions 8-10 (professional attitude) during DMI 120 Practicum II, DMI 130 Practicum III, DMI 220 Practicum IV, and DMI 230 Practicum V.

Score > 3 
(Likert scale 0-4)

End of program for each cohort. Program & Clinical Coordinators   
2019-2020 Goal #1: The student will develop the clinical competency of an entry level radiographer.
Outcomes Expected Measurement Tools Benchmark Time Frame Responsible Party Actual Outcome
Students will practice proper patient care and safety skills. Questioning patient regarding pregnancy and the use of proper collimation during Practical Exams in DMI 108 Procedures I, DMI 118 Procedures II, & DMI 128 Procedures III. Will receive “Yes” (scale Yes or No) > 95% of the time to these two tasks. Fall & Spring Semesters Didactic Faculty 96.4%
Questioning patient regarding pregnancy and the use of proper collimation on the clinical component of the competency exams during DMI 220 Practicum IV DMI 230 Practicum V. Will receive “Yes” (scale Yes or No) > 95% of the time to these two tasks. Fall & Spring Semesters Clinical Coordinator  96.4%
Students will exercise appropriate methods of radiation exposure and image analysis. Indices Practical Exam in DMI 114 Image Production Average > 85% 
Fall Semester Didactic Faculty 82.2%
Image Analysis component of the competency exams during DMI 220 Practicum IV. Average > 85% 
Fall Semester Didactic Faculty   92.6%
Image Analysis component of the competency exams during DMI 230 Practicum V. Average > 90% 
Spring Semester Clinical Coordinator  96.3%
Students will be able to perform routine radiographic procedures competently. Clinical component of the competency exams during IMG 219 Practicum IV. Average > 85% 
Fall Semester Clinical Coordinator  99.1%
Clinical component of the competency exams during IMG 229 Practicum V. Average > 90% 
Spring Semester Clinical Coordinator  99.5%
2019-2020 Goal #2: The student will exhibit critical thinking and problem solving skills.
Outcomes Expected Measurement Tools Benchmark Time Frame Responsible Party Actual Outcome
Students will modify patient positioning and procedures for the non-routine patient Question 19 on SPE during DMI 130 Practicum III. Score of > 2 
(Likert scale 0-4)
Summer Session Clinical Coordinator 3.1
Question 19 on SPE during DMI 230 Practicum V.  Score > 3 
(Likert scale 0-4)
Spring Semester Clinical Coordinator 3.8
Written critical thinking assignment in DMI 220 Practicum IV. Average > 90 
Fall Semester Clinical Coordinator 96.3%
Students will modify radiographic exposures for non-routine circumstances Question 20 on SPE during DMI 130 Practicum III. Score > 2 
(Likert scale 0-4)
Summer Session Clinical Coordinator 3.3
Question 20 on SPE during DMI 230 Practicum V.  Score > 3 
(Likert scale 0-4)
Spring Semester Clinical Coordinator 3.8
Written critical thinking assignment in DMI 212 Radiographic Equipment. Average > 90 
Fall Semester Didactic Faculty 90.4%
2019-2020 Goal #3 Students will communicate effectively.
Outcomes Expected Measurement Tools Benchmark Time Frame Responsible Party Actual Outcome
Student will demonstrate effective written communication skills. Incident report writing assignment in DMI 115 Pharmacology. Average > 85% (0-100%) Spring Semester Didactic Faculty 85.8%
Equipment justification writing assignment in DMI 228 Seminars in Radiography. Average > 90% (0-100%) Spring Semester Didactic Faculty 91.3%
Written history component of lab practical exams in DMI 118 Radiographic Procedures II.  Average > 85% (0-100%) Spring Semester Didactic Faculty 92.8%
Student will demonstrate effective oral communication skills. Pathology Case Study assignment in DMI 226 Anatomy & Pathology.

Average > 85% (0-100%)

Spring Semester Didactic Faculty 96.75%
Student will demonstrate effective interpersonal skills. Questions numbered 3, 4, 6, 18, 20, and 24 on Student Competency Evaluations in DMI 230 Practicum V.

Will receive “Yes” (scale Yes or No) 100% of the time on these 6 tasks.

Spring Semester Clinical Coordinator 100%
Oral image critique assignment in DMI 222 Image Analysis. 

Average > 85% (0-100%)

Fall Semester Didactic Faculty 89.7%
2019-2020 Goal #4: The student will demonstrate professionalism.
Outcomes Expected Measurement Tools Benchmark Time Frame Responsible Party Actual Outcome
Student will demonstrate reliability and punctuality in both the didactic and clinical components of the program. Attendance and tardiness records for class, laboratory, or clinical during the entire program. No more than one “unsatisfactory” demerit per semester. End of program for each cohort. Program & Clinical Coordinators  Zero unsatisfactory demerits. 
SPE questions 1-3 (punctuality) during DMI 120 Practicum II, DMI 130 Practicum III, DMI 220 Practicum IV, and DMI 230 Practicum V. Score > 3 
(Likert scale 0-4)
End of program for each cohort. Program & Clinical Coordinators  3.5
The student will exhibit a professional appearance and attitude. SPE questions 4-7 (professional appearance) during DMI 120 Practicum II, DMI 130 Practicum III, DMI 220 Practicum IV, and DMI 230 Practicum V.

Score > 3 (Likert scale 0-4)

End of program for each cohort. Program & Clinical Coordinators  3.6
SPE questions 8-10 (professional attitude) during DMI 120 Practicum II, DMI 130 Practicum III, DMI 220 Practicum IV, and DMI 230 Practicum V.

Score > 3 
(Likert scale 0-4)

End of program for each cohort. Program & Clinical Coordinators  3.6