Nursing Points Calculation | SCC

Nursing Points Calculation

Exam Scores

Exam Scores: All Applicants
ACT Composite NLN NEX Score Points Possible
20-22 98-137 10
23-24 138-217 15
25-26 218-293 20
27 or higher 294-300 25
Exam Scores: Applicants Currently in High School with No Previous College Experience
High School Cumulative GPA Points Possible
2.0-2.49 10
2.5-2.9 15
3.0-3.5 20
3.6 or higher 25
Exam Scores: Applicants Holding a GED and No Previous College Work
GED Percentile Heading
80th 10
85th 15
90th 20
95th 25

Earned Grades in Required Courses

Earned Grades in Required Courses
Required Courses "A" Grades (4 pts each) "B" Grades (3 pts each) "C" Grades (2 pts each)
BIO 137      
PSY 110      
BIO 139      
ENG 101      
BIO 225      

Note: AP Courses will receive 4 points for courses receiving a minimum score of 3.

Health Care License/Certification

If you have a health care license/certification, you will receive 5 points.

A/B Grades in Math/Science Courses

For every "A" or "B" grade that you received in a science course on initial enrollment (BIO 137, BIO 139, BIO 225, Math), you will be awarded 2 points each.

Total Points

Add up your points for each category to get your total points.