Digital Printing Technology - 3D Printing | SCC

Digital Printing Technology - 3D Printing


3D printed parts in various colors sitting on a black mat

Visualize your future with Kentucky’s first-ever certificate in 3-D printing. This red-hot technology offers limitless possibilities in almost every industry.

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What is Digital Printing Technology - 3D Printing?

As the call from industry for training in 3D printing increases, Somerset Community College has stepped to the forefront in offering a certificate in the technology. SCC was the first institution of higher education in Kentucky to offer the statewide certificate in additive manufacturing, also known as 3D printing.

Experts in nearly every manufacturing industry, as well as various biomedical and service industries, are predicting that training in additive manufacturing/3D printing is what their employees will need for the future. In the next decade, the market potential in this field of technology is estimated to be between $230 to $550 billion dollars, mainly associated with transportation, biomedical, and tooling industries.

The potential for growth in the additive manufacturing/3D printing field is particularly great in Kentucky because aerospace (aircraft parts) is the state’s number one export with automotive parts following at number two.

Printed parts and pieces are becoming more of the norm and students with the knowledge of how additive manufacturing/3D technology works should have a distinct advantage in the workplace of the future.
The certificate at SCC will consist of five classes, including design classes, individual hands-on projects and a business class with a focus on entrepreneurship.

Additive printing/3D technology is constantly changing and business and industry leaders are finding ways to incorporate it everywhere — in business, art, health, manufacturing, education and more.
By offering the 3D Printing Technician certificate, SCC places itself at the forefront of this growing technology. Students successfully completing the coursework will be poised to take the lead in this technology across the state.

What are my career choices?

Top 10 Fields where 3D Printing can be applied:

  • Engineering
  • Design
  • Architecture
  • Research & Development
  • Prosthetics
  • Bio Technologies
  • Art
  • Materials Development
  • Manufacturing
  • Culinary Arts

What are my degree, diploma, or certificate options?

Advising Plans


3D Printing Technician - Level 1 Certificate
Class Credit Hours
DPT 100 - Introduction to 3D Printing Technology OR 3
DPT 102 - 3D Printing Technology Fundamentals AND (2)
CIT 105 - Introduction to Computers  (3)
BAS 160 - Introduction to Business OR 3
BAS 170 - Entrepreneurship (3)
DPT 150 - Introduction to Engineering Mechanics for 3D Printing 3
DPT 280 - Special Projects for 3D Printing, Level I 1
Elective - Any technical, entry level course within a field
where 3D printing application exists
Elective - Any technical, entry level course within a field
where 3D printing application exists
Total 16-18

Additional Information

If you are considering going into one of these fields of study, then 3D printing may be right for you!

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Length of Program

You can earn an associate in applied science degree in two years if you maintain full-time status.

This information should not be considered a substitute for the KCTCS Catalog. You should always choose classes in cooperation with your faculty advisor to ensure that you meet all degree requirements.

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Program Contact

Eric Wooldridge

Digital Printing Technology - 3D Printing

Program Coordinator

(606) 451-6878