Aviation Maintenance Technology | SCC

Aviation Maintenance Technology

Reach new heights with FAA-certified training in the inspection, repair, and service of aircraft and engines.

Program Contact
Donnie Hammons
Program Coordinator
(606) 451-6772
GET STARTED TODAY (855) 664-6722


What is Aviation Maintenance Technology?

The Aviation Maintenance Technology (AMT) program is an FAA-approved program designed to provide students with a working knowledge in the areas of airframe and power plant. Students will gain the skills needed to inspect, service, and repair airframes and airframe power plants, including reciprocating, turbine engines and their associated accessories. The facility is located adjacent to the Somerset/Pulaski County Airport, providing students with actual hands-on experiences in an airport environment.

Graduates of the AMT Program are capable of inspecting and repairing any aircraft to assure safe operations. This capability demands a thorough understanding of all the components of an aircraft and of the functioning relationships of one component to another. With air safety ultimately dependent upon the skills and integrity of the maintenance staff, students in our AMT program are taught to perform to a no-fault level and assume accountability for all tasks undertaken.

two students working on an airplane part

Getting Started

What are my degree, diploma, and certificate options?

Aviation Maintenance Technology - AAS Degree
Course Credit Hours
ENG 101 - Writing I 3
Quantitative Reasoning 3
Natural Sciences 3
Heritage/Humanities 3
Social/Behavioral Sciences 3
ATE 101 - Pre-Aviation 3
ATE 103 - Introduction to Aircraft Maintenance I 3
ATE 105 - Introduction to Aircraft Maintenance II 3
ATE 107 - Introduction to Aircraft Maintenance III 3
ATE 109 - Introduction to Aircraft Maintenance IV 3
ATE 201 - Aircraft Powerplants and Related Systems I 3
ATE 203 - Aircraft Powerplants and Related Systems II 3
ATE 205 - Aircraft Powerplants and Related Systems III 3
ATE 207 - Aircraft Powerplants and Related Systems IV 3
ATE 211 - Aircraft Structures I 3
ATE 213 - Aircraft Structures II 3
ATE 215 - Aircraft Structures III 3
ATE 217 - Aircraft Structures IV 3
ATE 221 - Aircraft Systems I 3
ATE 223 - Aircraft Systems II 3
ATE 225 - Aircraft Systems III 3
ATE 227 - Aircraft Systems IV 3

Total credits for program: 66

Airframe and Power Plant Maintenance Technician - Diploma
Course Credit Hours

Select one of the following three options:

  • Written Communication
  • Oral Communications
  • Humanities/Heritage

Select one of the following three options:

  • Social/Behavioral Sciences
  • Natural Sciences
  • Quantitative Reasoning
ATE 101 - Pre-Aviation 3
ATE 103 - Introduction to Aircraft Maintenance I 3
ATE 105 - Introduction to Aircraft Maintenance II 3
ATE 107 - Introduction to Aircraft Maintenance III 3
ATE 109 - Introduction to Aircraft Maintenance IV 3
ATE 201 - Aircraft Powerplants and Related Systems I 3
ATE 203 - Aircraft Powerplants and Related Systems II 3
ATE 205 - Aircraft Powerplants and Related Systems III 3
ATE 207 - Aircraft Powerplants and Related Systems IV 3
ATE 211 - Aircraft Structures I 3
ATE 213 - Aircraft Structures II 3
ATE 215 - Aircraft Structures III 3
ATE 217 - Aircraft Structures IV 3
ATE 221 - Aircraft Systems I 3
ATE 223 - Aircraft Systems II 3
ATE 225 - Aircraft Systems III 3
ATE 227 - Aircraft Systems IV 3

Total Credits for program: 57

Special Notes: Computer Literacy is NOT a prerequisite for the AMT Program

Airframe Maintenance Technician - Certificate
Course Credit Hours
ATE 101 - Pre-Aviation 3
ATE 103 - Introduction to Aircraft Maintenance I 3
ATE 105 - Introduction to Aircraft Maintenance II 3
ATE 107 - Introduction to Aircraft Maintenance III 3
ATE 109 - Introduction to Aircraft Maintenance IV 3
ATE 211 - Aircraft Structures I 3
ATE 213 - Aircraft Structures II 3
ATE 215 - Aircraft Structures III 3
ATE 217 - Aircraft Structures IV 3
ATE 221 - Aircraft Systems I 3
ATE 223 - Aircraft Systems II 3
ATE 225 - Aircraft Systems III 3
ATE 227 - Aircraft Systems IV 3

Total Program Credits: 39

Special Notes: Computer Literacy is NOT a prerequisite for the AMT Program.

Power Plant Maintenance Technician - Certificate
Course Credit Hours
ATE 101 - Pre-Aviation 3
ATE 103 - Introduction to Aircraft Maintenance I 3
ATE 105 - Introduction to Aircraft Maintenance II 3
ATE 107 - Introduction to Aircraft Maintenance III 3
ATE 109 - Introduction to Aircraft Maintenance IV 3
ATE 201 - Aircraft Powerplants and Related Systems I 3
ATE 203 - Aircraft Powerplants and Related Systems II 3
ATE 205 - Aircraft Powerplants and Related Systems III 3
ATE 207 - Aircraft Powerplants and Related Systems IV 3

Total Program Credits: 27

Special Notes: Computer Literacy is NOT a prerequisite for the AMT Program

Computer Literacy must be demonstrated either by competency exam or by completing a computer literacy course prior to completion of the AMT program.

What Else Do I Need to Know?

Length of Program

You can earn an associate in applied science degree in two years if you maintain full-time status.

This information should not be considered a substitute for the KCTCS Catalog. You should always choose classes in cooperation with your faculty advisor to ensure that you meet all degree requirements.

Credit for Military Veterans

Pending department review and approval, students who have completed military technical training recognized by the FAA may receive credit for up to three semesters toward the Aviation Maintenance Technology AAS Degree.

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