Construction/Trades | SCC


Students must achieve a minimum grade of ā€œCā€ in each technical course

9-12 grade sequence

  1. CIT 105: Introduction to Computers
    OST 105: Introduction to Information Systems
  2. BRX 120: Basic Blueprint Reading
    BRX 220: Blueprint Reading for Construction
  3. EET 119: Basic Electricity
    EET 154/155: Electrical Construction I & Lab
  4. ISX 100: Industrial Safety OR
    ISX 101: Introduction
     to Industrial Safety
  5. ACR 100/101: Refrigeration Fundamentals & Lab
    Certificate: Environmental System Repair Helper
  6. ACR 170: Heat Load/Duct Design
  7. MAT 105: Business Mathematics (or higher)
  8. ACR 130/131: Electrical Components
  10. General Ed: Natural Science Course
    Social & Behavioral Science Course
    Heritage or Humanities Course
    Written Communications Course
    Oral Communications Course

11-12 grade sequence

  1. ACR 100/101: Refrigeration Fundamentals & Lab
  2. ACR 102/103: HVAC Electricity & Lab
  3. MAT 105: Business Mathematics (or higher)
  4. ACR 130/131: Electrical Components
  5. ACR 170: Heat Load/Duct Design


  6. General Ed: Natural Science Course
    Social & Behavioral Science Course
    Heritage or Humanities Course
    Written Communications Course
    Oral Communications Course

Progression is contingent upon achievement of a grade of ā€œCā€ or better in each technical & mathematics course & maintenance of a 2.0 grade point average or better.

  1. ISX 100:
    Industrial Safety
  2. BRX 220: Blueprint Reading for Construction
  3. CAR 126/127: Intro to Construction & Lab
    Certificate: Basic Carpenter
  4. CAR 140/141: Surveying & Foundations & Lab
    Certificate: Residential Site Layout Assistant
  5. MAT 105: Business Mathematics (or higher)
  6. CAR 150/151: Construction Formwork & Lab
    Certificate: Constructions Forms Helper
  7. CAR 190/191: Light Frame Construction I & Lab
    Certificate: Carpenter Helper
  8. CAR 196/197: Light Frame Construction II & Lab
    Certificate: Residential Roofer
  9. CAR 200/201: Light Frame Construction III & Lab
  10. ENG 101: Writing I
  1.  WLD 100/101: Oxy-Fuel Systems & Lab
    Certificate: Gas Welder
  2. WLD 110/111: Cutting Processes & Lab
    Certificate: ARC Cutter
  3. WLD 120/121: Shielded Metal Arc Welding & Lab
    Certificate: Welder Helper
  4. WLD 123: Shielded Metal Arc Welding Groove with Bracking Lab
  5. MAT 110 OR 116: Applied Mathematics OR Technical Mathematics
  6. WLD 140/141: Gas Metal Arc Welding & Lab
  7. WLD 143: Gas Metal Arc Welding Groove Lab
  8. WLD 130/131: Gas Tungsten Arc Welding & Lab
    Certificate: Production Line Welder
  9. WLD 133: Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Groove Lab
  10. ENG 101: Writing I