Laptop Loan Program
Welcome to SCC’s Laptop Loan Page! If you need to borrow a laptop, we may be able to help.
All Eligibility Requirements must be met:
- Be a KY Resident
- Be currently enrolled at SCC (Somerset, London, Russell, Clinton, McCreary, Casey) (online)
- Agree to Terms of Service/ KCTCS Student Code of Conduct
- Complete a success coaching session with a College Navigator
- Complete Device Loan Agreement Form
- Have a Valid Government Issued License/Identification Card or SCC Student ID Card
Applying for this program does not guarantee that you will receive a laptop as it is based on availability. You will be notified within 72 hours if you are eligible and if there is a laptop available for you. You will then be asked to book an appointment to pick up the laptop. (You may use computers in the Learning Commons at the Somerset and Laurel Campus, and at the McCreary, Clinton, and Russell Centers.)
Application Closed
We are not currently accepting application for the Laptop Loan Program. We have reached capacity for the semester. Please check back later!
For questions, please contact us at (606) 451-6802 or sccstudentlaptoploan@kctcs.edu.