SCC Culinary Arts students get hands-on experience prepping for celebrity chef Andrew Zimmern | SCC


SCC Culinary Arts students get hands-on experience prepping for celebrity chef Andrew Zimmern

Published on Mar 13, 2024

celebrity cehf andrew zimmern hosting a demostration during modern roadshowSomerset Community College (SCC) Culinary Arts students stepped in for a learning opportunity to gain experience prepping the space and ingredients for celebrity Chef Andrew Zimmern at Team Modern's Trade Show held at the Center for Rural Development in Somerset on Wednesday. 

Chef Zimmern travels the world and has spent over twenty years on television with series for different networks, including the Travel Channel, Food Network, and MSNBC. 

"Everywhere I go, folks turn to the easiest resource, the local community college," Zimmern shared. "It makes me so thrilled because I know the future of food for my kids and grandkids will be in the hands of curious, talented young people." 

At SCC, a core value is to create a space where students can expand their critical thinking skills and graduate with the confidence to take into their careers and workforce. 

Zimmern had advice for those inspired to pursue a career in Culinary Arts. 

"The biggest thing I have learned working with culinary students is they are too scared to ask questions," Zimmern shared. "Some are great at it, but the majority are scared to speak up." 

In the classroom setting, help is given to the young chefs without asking for it, and rarely are they taught how to ask for help, Zimmern explains. 

"I am 62 years old, and I am still at the big kid's table of the food world," Zimmern said. 

Zimmern shared he still asks questions when he tastes things and doesn't know how they became reality, even in other people's homes. 

"It's how I learn. There's so much power in any situation in life to say I don't know. Can you help me with that?" Zimmern encouraged. 

The Chef knew SCC students come from small towns and encouraged them to travel and experience the diversity of other cultures. 

"Being able to travel once in the workplace, see foods, get inspiration from other cultures and places. The world is very small, and they must take advantage of that." 

Zimmern was grateful to have the helping hands of SCC students. 

I am very grateful for the help today,” Zimmern said. “They make me look good.” 

Learn more about how you can get involved in SCC’s Culinary Arts Program at