SCC exhibit showcased the beauty of fall in Appalachia
Published on Dec 4, 2023
The bright colors of fall have mostly faded as we count down the December days until
Christmas. But autumn’s glory can still be viewed thanks to the latest exhibit by
Somerset Community College’s (SCC) Fruit of the Lens photography club.
Members of the club and guests gathered at the Somerset Campus on November 28 to view the premiere of the exhibit. The 23-minute presentation can be seen on YouTube by searching for “Fall Into Nature photo exhibit, December 2023.”
Student president of the club Shawna Kindrick said that she was very pleased with the quality and quantity of photos submitted. Twenty club members submitted images this year, the club’s 23rd exhibit since 2012.
The digital photographs submitted ranged from “colorful trees, streams, mountains, valleys and everything in between,” said faculty advisor Professor Cindy Burton.
Former advisor Stuart Simpson echoed Burton’s praise of the photos and specifically mentioned two images of the night sky submitted by long-time members Janis Hatfield and Denny Longsworth.
“These two members are great photographers and had two of the best ‘moon shots’ since the Apollo 11 and Apollo 12 lunar landings,” he said with a smile.
Original music for the exhibit was provided by the group “Alias” from their critically acclaimed, self-titled 1978 album. Wayne County native Steve Vire, who was a member of the central-Kentucky group gave the club permission to use the music. Other members are Charlie Everett and Richard Nash.
Longworth praised the group’s music and said the sound reminded him of works by “Poco and Goose Creek Symphony Orchestra.”
Burton noted that while the club is an SCC student organization, anyone in the community with an interest in taking digital images is invited to join and participate. To become a member, simply email Burton and ask to be in the club.
“The main criterion for joining the club is just to enjoy taking photographs,” Burton said. She noted that members can use any type of camera, even the camera on their phone, for their submissions.
The club will be announcing the theme for their spring 2024 exhibit in February and in March will provide rules for entering the annual Nash Black photography contest. Winners of the cash prizes will be announced during SCC’s Earth Day celebration.
Additional information on the club is available on Facebook at “Fruit of the Lens Photography Club.” This page will also include links to past exhibits.