Governor's Minority Student College Prep Program | SCC

Campus Announcement:

SCC will be open on Friday, February 21, 2025. We understand that road conditions may vary across our service area. Students and employees should use their best judgment when deciding whether they can safely travel to campus. Be safe!

  • Students: If you cannot attend class in person, please communicate with your instructor.
  • Employees: If you are unable to make it to work, please coordinate with your supervisor.

Governor's Minority Student College Prep Program

group of governors minority student college prep programThe Somerset Community College (SCC) Governor's Minority Student College Preparation Program (GMSCPP) is provided for middle school aged students and their families in a nine-county, rural service area of south-Central Kentucky. The program is designed to identify and motivate low-income minority and first generation college-attending youth toward academic excellence in middle and junior high school, with the ultimate goal of increasing the number of prepared underrepresented minority high school graduates who enroll in and graduate from Kentucky colleges and universities.

In order to achieve this goal, student participants are encouraged to grow and develop through an intensive one-week summer experience comprised of academic and personal enrichment activities. The areas emphasized during this experience include Math, Science, Reading, Writing, Technology, Career Education, College Knowledge, Physical Fitness, Leadership, Self-Identity and Awareness, Personal Responsibility, Diversity and Global Awareness, Community Leadership and Social Interaction.

In addition to the summer experience, the program consists of monthly activities throughout the academic school year aimed at the areas noted above. Some of the highlights include day trips to locations such as the McConnell Park and the Lexington Arts and Sciences Museum. Another feature of the program includes an overnight trip to the GMSCPP Statewide Conference held at different Kentucky universities each summer.

Over the years, the program has grown and continues to serve any student applicant. No one has been excluded from participation due to race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, etc.

For further information about the Governor's Minority Student College Preparation Program, please contact George Martinez, program director, at (606) 451-6698 or by email at