Board of Directors January 2023 Meeting Minutes
January 26, 2023
Board Members Present:
- Ms. Charlene Harris, Chair
- Mr. Phillip Duncan, Vice Chair
- Ms. Kelly Johnson, Secretary
- Mr. Aaron Cook
- Ms. Marsha Phelps
- Dr. Allison Cherry
- Mr. Marshall Todd
Board Members Absent:
- Mr. Gary Napier
- Mr. Jonathan Arnett
- Mr. BJ Brown
Chair Harris called the meeting of the Somerset Community College Board of Directors to order at 12:57 p.m. She welcomed everyone in attendance.
ACTION ITEM: October 31, 2022 MINUTES
Ms. Kelly Johnson announced that the minutes of the October 31, 2022 meeting were included in the agenda booklet and the book was mailed to board members in advance of the meeting. Mr. Duncan moved the minutes to be approved as distributed. Dr. Cherry seconded the motion. The minutes were unanimously approved.
Dr. Castle reported an increase in enrollment for Somerset Community College. He briefly discussed the different variables that drive enrollment for SCC and the positive impact they are seeing.
Dr. Castle reported updates to SCC initiatives. The College made renovations at the EKU Campus in Manchester last year to accommodate the ADN program and the first cohort is currently going through the program. In addition, SCC is building a CDL pad on the Valley Oak property and the community should see more improvement over the next few months.
Dr. Castle reported that the College continues to use 4DX to help employees find where their focus and dedication should be to accomplish college goals. Dr. Castle showed the Board 4DX software and how it works. He then called on Ms. Johnson to share her experience with the program.
Dr. Castle reported that SCC hosted several events on the campuses and noted the positive effect on the College. SCC student life is growing and the College will see more student engagement over the next couple of months.
Dr. Castle introduced Ms. Melissa Winstead, Career Counselor at SCC. Ms. Winstead gave a brief overview of the Career Counseling Service she offers to students and the community. She also invited the Board to reach out to her for ways to promote any job opportunities that become available.
ACTION ITEM: Six-Year Capital Budget Plan
Dr. Castle presented the six-year capital budget request. SCC is required to submit a Capital Request every two years. For SCC this is any new construction or major renovation that cost more than one million dollars or any single piece of equipment that is more than $200,000. Any of the items that SCC is interested in purchasing must go through a biennial budget process and be authorized for purchase by the state government. Dr. Castle went through the items, by priority, and the estimated cost. He then requested approval from the board. Dr. Cherry moved to approve the request as presented. Mr. Cook seconded the motion. The Six-Year Capital Budget Plan was unanimously approved.
Chair Harris reminded the board that the self-evaluations were mailed out with their packet and needed to be returned to her as soon as possible. In addition, the Code of Ethics should be signed and turned in to Ms. Cindy Clouse.
Chair Harris made a motion to go into Executive Session. If made public this could potentially affect the purchase price per KRS 61.810 1b. Vice-Chair Duncan seconded the motion and all were in favor of the closed session.
Dr. Cherry made a motion to return to the open session. Ms. Phelps seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Chair Harris announced the next meeting will be on April 27, 2023. Chair Harris asked for a motion to adjourn. Mr. Todd made a motion and with no further business, the members were dismissed at 1:29.
Date Approved by Board of Directors: May 4, 2023