Board of Directors January 2022 Meeting Minutes
January 27, 2022
Board Members Present:
- Ms. Charlene Harris, Chair
- Mr. Phillip Duncan, Vice Chair
- Ms. Kelly Johnson, Secretary
- Mr. Jonathan Arnett
- Mr. BJ Brown
- Dr. Allison Cherry
- Ms. Marsha Phelps
- Ms. Alyssa Jones
- Mr. Marshall Todd
Board Members Absent:
- Mr. Gary Napier
Call to Order
Chair Harris called the meeting of the Somerset Community College Board of Directors to order at 1:02 p.m. She welcomed everyone in attendance.
Action Item: October 28, 2021 Minutes
Chair Harris announced that the minutes of the October 28, 2021 meeting were included in the agenda booklet and the book was mailed to Board members in advance of the meeting. Mr. Arnett moved the minutes to be approved as distributed. Mr. Todd seconded the motion. The minutes were unanimously approved.
President's Remarks
Dr. Castle reported on the current COVID-19 variant and the impact it has on employees and students. Several departments have been shorthanded at SCC because of the sickness. So external events have been canceled through February 21, 2022. SCC will continue to use masks and gloves where it makes sense. In addition, protocols are still in place to manage any reports of COVID on campus.
Dr. Castle reported on the state budget and bills of interest. It is still in the legislative process but efforts look positive for Somerset Community College.
Dr. Castle reported on enrollment. SCC has reached 89% of enrollment but is still enrolling 12 and 8-week sessions.
Dr. Castle reported SCC’s initiatives. SCC has entered the 4DX process (four disciplines of execution) and each department is working on its Wildly Important Goals. The main focus of the College is increasing enrollment among 25-45-year-olds. Dr. Castle added that SCC received a grant called RPED. SCC was one of 8 in the country to receive it. In addition, SCC’s Student Affairs department plans to implement enrollment coaches and they will be assigned to each student and guide them through to graduation. Dr. Castle reported that SCC would be hiring a Chief Enrollment Management Officer (CEMO) who will manage all of the Student Affairs areas. Interviews are underway and members will hear the outcome soon. Lastly, he reported that SCC’s Human Resource department is working on multi-year contracts.
Dr. Castle announced the recent agreement between the University Center of Southern Kentucky and WKU. SCC will soon offer a 2+2 Elementary Education Degree completion for the Lake Cumberland Region. In addition, the SCC newspaper “The Bridge” set a record for awards from the Kentucky Press.
Alesa Johnson: Vice President of Workforce Solutions
Ms. Johnson reported on Workforce Solutions and the major initiatives for 2022. Workforce Solutions covers six key areas, Workforce Development, Continuing Education, Community Education, Apprenticeships, Short term Programming, and Research Development. The major initiatives are Valley Oak Training Center, development of the Utility Technician Program, finalizing Additive Manufacturing Foundation, expanding CDL-A to the Laurel Campus, expanding the re-entry program to Laurel County, and expanding the Business and Industry Training.
Date Approved by Board of Directors
May 5, 2022
Charlene Harris, Chair SCC Board of Directors
Signature on file
Kelly Johnson, Secretary SCC Board of Directors
Signature on file