Board of Directors January 2021 Meeting Minutes | SCC

Campus Announcement:

SCC will be open on Friday, February 21, 2025. We understand that road conditions may vary across our service area. Students and employees should use their best judgment when deciding whether they can safely travel to campus. Be safe!

  • Students: If you cannot attend class in person, please communicate with your instructor.
  • Employees: If you are unable to make it to work, please coordinate with your supervisor.

Board of Directors January 2021 Meeting Minutes

January 28, 2021

Board Members Present:

  • Ms. Charlene Harris, Chair                                              
  • Mr. Phillip Duncan, Vice Chair
  • Ms. Kelly Johnson, Secretary
  • Mr. Jonathan Arnett
  • Mr. BJ Brown
  • Dr. Allison Cherry                      
  • Mr. Gary Napier
  • Ms. Marsha Phelps
  • Ms. Alyssa Jones
  • Mr. Marshall Todd

Board Members Absent:

  • None

Call to Order

Chair Harris called the meeting of the Somerset Community College Board of Directors to order at 1:01 p.m. via online Microsoft Office Teams.  She welcomed everyone in attendance.  She asked that everyone please keep their microphones muted until you want to make a comment, approve an action item or ask a question.  Also, when making a motion or seconding a motion, please also state your name so the minutes can be recorded correctly.

Roll Call

Chair Harris called upon Secretary Johnson to take a roll call of members present via online Microsoft Office Teams.  All Board members were present.  


Chair Harris called upon Secretary Johnson to present the minutes from the last meeting.  

MOTION:  Ms. Phelps moved that the Board approve the minutes of the October 22, 2020 meeting.  Mr. Napier seconded the motion.

VOTE:  The motion passed unanimously.

President's Remarks

Dr. Castle expressed his appreciation for the opportunity to update the 

Board and then discussed the impact of COVID-19 on Somerset Community College. In the October meeting it was reported that 50% of employees reported to campus, this was reduced to 33% and all social gatherings were eliminated. With holidays approaching and the increase of positive cases in the community, campuses were minimally occupied for employees and students. On the start of the spring semester, minimal employees returned to campus and all classes started out virtually for two weeks. Students and employees returned on January 25 (employees at 33%).  Employees will be able to return at 50% capacity on February 1, 2021 and then SCC plans to incrementally increase that number based on infection rates and vaccination threshold, with safety being the main focus.  

Dr. Castle also updated the board on enrollment. He reported a decrease in enrollment for spring 2021 but praised the efforts that went in to building enrollment up this year. Dr. Castle then introduced Ms. Jami Evans and Mr. Jacob Held, two members from the SCC Enrollment Management Team. Ms. Evans discussed why the team was created and the charge of its members. The Enrollment Management Team was created to recommend updates and changes that maybe needed for recruiting, admitting, and advising students. Their charge is to determine where SCC is today regarding enrollment, where is the college going, and how they plan to get there. Currently the committee has established three goals: increase SCC applicants that are converted to enrolled status, to provide high quality academic environment, and increase the number of credentials awarded. Mr. Held shared with the board some of the initiatives that has started, some that are continuing, and some coming up in the future. He reported that several efforts and sub teams were created to address the three primary goals mentioned by Ms. Evans.

Dr. Castle then updated the board on Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund that was voted in December, by Congress. This is not a new grant but supplemental funds to assist students and the institution. The total funding is $7,0725,05. It is designed to do a number of things; however, SCC is required to give $1.5 million to students first.                                         

Dr. Castle briefly touched on the Six Year Capital Budget Request. He noted that the number one item on SCC’s list is renovating the South Campus Laurel County. The South Campus is where all the technical programming is located and needs a lot of work. 

Chair Remarks

Chair Harris thanked Dr. Castle for the updates and called on Ms. Jill Meece to present the Six Year Capital Budget Request.  

Action Item

Ms. Meece explained that SCC is required to submit a Capital Request every two years. For SCC this is any new construction or major renovation that cost more than one million dollars or any single piece of equipment that is more than $200,000. Any of the items that SCC is interested in purchasing must go through a biennial budget process and be authorized for purchase by the state government. Ms. Meece went through the items, by priority, and the estimated cost. She then requested approval from the board.

Chair Harris asked Board members if there are any questions regarding the Six Year Capital Budget Request. Vice Chair Duncan asked if there are contingencies built in these projects for pricing and what would that percentage be. Ms. Meece responded approximately ten percent. Chair Harris asked for a motion to approve.

MOTION:  Vice Chair Duncan moved that the Board approve the Six Year Capital Budget Request. Dr. Cherry seconded the motion.

VOTE:  The motion passed unanimously.


Chair Harris reminded the committee about the self-evaluation and code of ethics that were sent to each board member. The next meeting will be April 22, 2021.  There being no further business, Mr. Todd moved that the meeting adjourn.  

The meeting adjourned at 1:37 p.m.

Date Approved by Board of Directors
May 13, 2021

Charlene Harris, Chair SCC Board of Directors
Signature on file

Kelly Johnson, Secretary SCC Board of Directors
Signature on file