Board of Directors January 2019 Meeting Minutes | SCC

Campus Announcement:

SCC will be open on Friday, February 21, 2025. We understand that road conditions may vary across our service area. Students and employees should use their best judgment when deciding whether they can safely travel to campus. Be safe!

  • Students: If you cannot attend class in person, please communicate with your instructor.
  • Employees: If you are unable to make it to work, please coordinate with your supervisor.

Board of Directors January 2019 Meeting Minutes

January 24, 2019

Board Members Present:

  • Ms. Charlene Harris, Chair
  • Ms. Kelly Johnson, Secretary
  • Holly Bowers
  • Mr. Phillip Duncan
  • Dr. Allison Cherry
  • Ms. Lidia Godbey
  • Mr. Gary Napier
  • Mr. Marshall Todd

Board Members Absent:

  • Mr. Clay Parker Davis, Vice Chair
  • Mr. Jonathan Arnett

Call to Order

Chair Harris called the meeting of the Somerset Community College Board of Directors to order at 1:02 p.m. in the Citizens National Bank Community Room in the Harold Rogers Student Commons.  She thanked the SCC Culinary Arts program for the wonderful lunch and informed the Board that there will be a tour of the new Culinary Arts lab in the Meece Hall after the meeting.


Chair Harris called upon Secretary Johnson to present the minutes from the last meeting.  

MOTION:  Dr. Cherry moved that the Board approve the minutes of the October 30, 2018 meeting. Mr. Todd seconded the motion.

VOTE:  The motion passed unanimously.

President's Remarks

Dr. Castle began his remarks with Spring enrollment.  There are currently 4,596 students enrolled compared to 4,700 this time last year.  Bi-term classes will start March 18 and a few more Workforce Solutions students are to enroll.  There is a lot of work in progress for enrollment improvement.

Dr. Castle reviewed the handout before the Board regarding the restructure/shared governance model which was approved at the last Leadership Team meeting in December.  The model allows for more participation from faculty, staff and students through the establishment of five group representations:  Student Government Association, Faculty Council, Staff Council, Management Council (formerly Administrative Council), and the Executive Council.  Representation from these councils form the Leadership Council.

As an update on the University Center of Southern Kentucky, plans are moving forward with the partnering universities and we hope to announce the names of the universities and the programs they will offer in February.  The Director, Trent Pool, is charged with moving the University Center from concept to action, effective with the Fall 2019 semester.

Dr. Castle informed the Board of the College’s Strategic Planning and Academic Plan.  Our College’s vision, mission and strategic goals are several years old.  It will be updated and reflect current SCC needs in Somerset, London and our surrounding counties.  It will help us work with some of the budget pieces that we need to move forward with, especially some of the academic planning, the development of the University Center, along with other things that are in mind.  Currently, SCC does not have an Academic Master Plan.  While not an absolute must, it is important to get one in place.  An Academic Master Plan takes the Strategic Plan and develops it even further into looking where you want to go with your academic programming, what are students going to be doing, what kind of programs should we be looking at for five years from now.  Where should we be planning to put budget and investment in terms of students, student support, teachers, and professional development?  It helps us encompass all of those specifics into a more comprehensive idea of where the College needs to go.  Members of the Executive Council are leading the efforts.  Dr. Castle, Jill Meece and Cindy Clouse are leading the Strategic Planning component; Dr. Clint Hayes and Alesa Johnson lead the Academic Master Plan; and, Dr. Bruce Gover and Tracy Casada are leading the Strategic Enrollment Plan.

In order to be as transparent as possible, Dr. Castle informed the Board that the College, now working under a shared governance model, will be looking at revising SCC policies and procedures to make them up-to-date and more specific.  This does not require SCC Board approval, but Dr. Castle expressed that it is certainly something they want to keep the Board informed on.  The Board is a core component of the College and it is important to keep it updated on these important issues.  If there are other areas the Board feels they need to be kept up-to-date, please let Dr. Castle know. 

The McCreary and Russell Centers are back to four days a week for the spring semester.  There are classes on all four days and we hope to expand face-to-face classes.  The Clinton and Casey Centers are open four days, with classes two days a week and student support offered all four days.  Feedback has been very positive on having the Centers open four days a week.

There are quite a few new or expanded programs for the spring and fall semesters.  The Culinary Arts program has moved from the McCreary Center to the Somerset Campus.  Renovations for the lab in Meece Hall are complete.  The Industrial Maintenance Technology program started this month at the Laurel Campus with nine students.  We believe the program will continue to grow at that campus.  An evening program for Cosmetology started at the Laurel Campus this past fall and is currently full.  This coming fall we will offer an evening program on the Somerset Campus. The Welding program in Somerset is offering a Friday class and evening classes on the Somerset Campus and also plans to offer a GMAW welding class at the McCreary Center beginning in March through the Workforce Solutions department.  Beginning in the fall semester, we plan to offer an evening welding class and electrical class at the Russell Center.  The HVAC program will be expanded to the Somerset Campus in the fall and we are talking with Madison Southern High School about teaching an evening welding class in Berea.  There are good ongoing discussions with several ATCs and area superintendents.

In recent events, we held a donor recognition and open house on November 28 for the $3.9M Work Ready Skills Initiative Grant that renovated building 2 on the South Campus and the Pulaski County ATC.  The College recognized the City of Somerset, Pulaski County Fiscal Court and the Somerset-Pulaski County Development Foundation for their major pledges to the project.

The annual Wanda Bolzé Book Sale raised more than $2,100 for the Wanda Bolzé Memorial Scholarship and the annual holiday auction held by the Somerset-Pulaski County Chamber of Commerce raised over $15,000 for scholarships designated for Pulaski County students from all four high schools.

This past week there was a great turnout for the annual Unity Breakfast.  Afterwards a groundbreaking was held for the Slaves Memorial, which will be placed on the outdoor patio of Meece Hall.

In upcoming events, we are in the process of hiring the Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs.  Four candidates are spending an entire day on our Somerset and Laurel Campuses with forums for faculty, staff and students.  The first interview was January 23 and the other three are January 28, 31 and February 5.  Once all interviews are done, all feedback will be collected and reviewed and a decision will be made as soon as possible.

There will be a college-wide Professional Development day on Friday, January 25.  The speaker is Dr. Amanda Propst Cuevas and she will be discussing Appreciative Advising and how it contributes to student retention and persistence.

The Theatre program is offering a teen theatre and film festival on March 30 for middle and high school students interested in the art of theatre.

Workforce Solutions is working on obtaining two trucks and trailers to start our own CDL program.  We have met with the CDL Advisory Committee twice with five companies attending. We are currently working on an MOA with Hazard Community and Technical College to partner with them in order to offer CDL training in Somerset until our program is ready.

We have completed a renovation plan for the McCreary Center and equipment purchases for the portable welding lab.  The equipment is installed and classes are scheduled for March.  We will be rotating programs between the Centers.

We are co-hosting a breakfast in London on February 12 to promote KY FAME program and sponsorships and our new IMT program at the Laurel Campus.

Workforce Solutions is currently working on customized training projects with several companies in our region, i.e., Tarter Farm & Ranch, TTAI, Cobb, Vantress, Camtech, Hendrickson, and Outdoor Venture.

Workforce Solutions is working on a possible new program, Basic Motorcycle Riders Course. They are researching the costs and feasibility of the program and it is at least six months away from happening.

In other news, KCTCS is having a Board of Directors Workshop on March 1 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at KCTCS in Versailles.  This is for all Board members and especially encouraged for new Board members.  Formal invitations will be e-mailed to you in a couple of weeks.

Dr. Castle closed by inviting the Board to tour the new Culinary Arts lab at the conclusion of the meeting.

Chair Remarks

Chair Harris commented about the positive feedback and excited regarding the University Center.

Action Item Bylaws, 2nd Reading

The SCC Board of Directors Bylaws Revision including the Code of Ethics were included in the Board book.  If there is no objection, I will waive the second reading of the bylaws and code of ethics since they were made available to the Board in the Board packet for review.

Chair Harris asked for any questions before voting.  With no questions submitted, Chair Harris asked if there was a motion.

MOTION:  Mr. Duncan made a motion to adopt the revised bylaws and code of ethics.  Dr. Cherry seconded the motion.

VOTE:  The motion passed unanimously.

Chair Harris passed a signature document around for Board members to sign.

Action Item, Self Evaluation Tool, 2nd Reading

Dr. Castle again stated that if there is no objection, the second reading of the Self-Evaluation Tool will be waived since it was included in the Board packet.

Chair Harris asked for any questions before voting.  With no questions submitted, Chair Harris asked if there was a motion.

MOTION:  Mr. Napier made a motion to approve the Self-Evaluation Tool.  Mr. Todd seconded the motion.

VOTE:  The motion passed unanimously.

Chair Harris passed around envelopes with the Self-Evaluation Tool to be completed and returned to her by Board members.

Action Item

Jill Meece, Vice President of Administration, presented the Strategic Needs Analysis Capital Budget Requests.  Ms. Meece informed the Board that the requests are both on the screen and in a printed document before them.  Every other year SCC is required to submit capital budget requests to KCTCS, who then compiles the requests from each of the colleges within the system and submits them to the State of Kentucky.  Projects of a certain dollar amount must be approved by the state in order to proceed.  The requests have to be prioritized by importance and biennium.  The requests are for bienniums 2020-2022, 2020-2024 and 2024-2026.  There are a total of twelve ranked projects that were reviewed by Ms. Meece.

MOTION:  Mr. Napier moved that the Board approve the Strategic Needs Analysis - Capital Budget Requests as presented.  Dr. Cherry seconded the motion.

VOTE:  The motion passed unanimously.


There being no further business, Mr. Todd moved that the meeting adjourn.  The meeting adjourned at 1:42 p.m.  Board members and guests were invited to tour the Culinary Arts Lab.

Date Approved by Board of Directors

Charlene Harris, Chair SCC Board of Directors
Signature on file

Kelly Johnson, Secretary SCC Board of Directors
Signature on file