Board of Directors May 2018 Meeting Minutes | SCC

Campus Announcement:

SCC will be open on Friday, February 21, 2025. We understand that road conditions may vary across our service area. Students and employees should use their best judgment when deciding whether they can safely travel to campus. Be safe!

  • Students: If you cannot attend class in person, please communicate with your instructor.
  • Employees: If you are unable to make it to work, please coordinate with your supervisor.

Board of Directors May 2018 Meeting Minutes

May 10, 2018

Board Members Present:

  • Ms. Charlene Harris, Chair
  • Mr. Clay Parker Davis, Vice Chair
  • Donna Eastham, Secretary
  • Shawn Anderson
  • Dr. Allison Cherry
  • Ms. Nicole Disney
  • Mr. Phillip Duncan
  • Mr. Gary Napier
  • Mr. Marshall Todd

Board Members Absent:

  • Mr. Jonathan Arnett

Call to Order

Chair Harris called the meeting of the Somerset Community College Board of Directors to order at 1:03 p.m. in the Citizens National Bank Community Room in the Harold Rogers Student Commons.  She welcomed all in attendance and expressed appreciation to Chef Michael Wells and Chef Ed Nazario for a wonderful lunch.


Chair Harris called upon Secretary Eastham to present the minutes from the last three meetings.

MOTION:  Ms. Disney moved that the Board approve the minutes of the October 26, 2017 meeting.  Mr. Duncan seconded the motion.

VOTE:  The motion was passed unanimously.

MOTION:  Mr. Davis moved that the Board approve the minutes of the January 10, 2018 special called meeting.  Ms. Anderson seconded the motion.

VOTE:  The motion was passed unanimously.

MOTION:  Mr. Davis moved that the Board approve the minutes of the April 23-24, 2018 special called meeting.  Ms. Disney seconded the motion.

VOTE:  The motion was passed unanimously.

President's Remarks

Dr. Marshall announced that 1,328 students have registered for the summer session, compared to 1,177 on May 11, 2017.  The four and six week sessions begin May 14 and the seven week session begins June 11.  For the fall 2018 semester, the enrollment is not great yet, but it is early and it anticipated it will improve.

Honors Night was held on April 27 at the London Community Center with approximately 100 students recognized for their academic achievement, club involvement and service to the College.  Students recognized included Nicole Disney for serving as SGA President and her involvement with campus events, and Jonah Deaton received national recognition as the Coca Cola New Century Scholar for the state of Kentucky.  The Coca Cola New Century Scholar is the top community college student in the state.

The Commencement ceremony was on May 4 and Dr. Marshall thanked all who attended.  The evening was a great success, with 309 students participating, of the 1,226 students who earned 3,119 credentials, either certificates, diplomas or degrees.

To celebrate the end of the semester, on April 25 and 26, SGA and other clubs organized a Campus Carnival on the Somerset and Laurel Campuses.  The days consisted of games, food and prizes.

Recently, SCC and the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) held a grave marking ceremony on the Somerset Campus to honor Stephen Smith, a revolutionary war soldier.  The property that SCC, the airport and The Center for Rural Development now occupy was the farm given to Mr. Smith by the State of Virginia in 1783.  The family cemetery is on the SCC campus, close to the connector road to the south campus.

SGA and other student groups participated in the Highway 27 Clean-Up on April 17.  They picked up litter along Monticello Street and had lunch at The Center.

Earth Day was held April 15 on the Somerset Campus.  It was a rainy day but still more than 600 people attended.  The SCC Math & Natural Sciences Division organizes the event.

On March 29, the Food Network Star, Jason Smith, was on campus.  He held a food demonstration and then an evening lecture on the topic of Local Sustainability.  Barnes & Noble Bookstore sponsored the event with a gift made to the College for a Lecture Series.

Renovations on the Workforce Solutions on the south campus are complete with the funding from the Kentucky Work Ready Skills Initiative Grant.  Not all of the equipment is in yet, but the renovations are complete.  We will be able to offer additional classes in additive manufacturing/3D printing and more Industrial Maintenance classes, which is really a hot area right now for employment.  After the Board meeting, we would like to give you a quick tour and have vans available for transportation.  

SACS has reviewed and returned the SCC preliminary report with just a few areas identified for more information.  Those areas will be addressed in the next couple of months and returned. The Visiting Committee will be on campus October 2-4.  Dr. Marshall recognized and thanked Dr. Clint Hayes who led this effort and the result being one of the best reports that anyone has gotten.

Dr. Marshall announced the names of employees who have recently retired or who plan to retire soon.  They are:  Dr. Tony Honeycutt, Lois Owens, Glenda Jones, Kippe Burnett, Daniel Burnett, Roger Angevine, and Dennis Fries.

Kids Kollege will be the weeks of June 18-21 and June 25-28 for kids age 6-12.  The kids will enjoy spending the day on a college campus playing games, learning about germs, solar panels, tennis, etc.

The 2018 Kentucky Skills U grants have been awarded and SCC received six programs.  Rewarded to SCC are the adult education programs in Adair, Casey, McCreary and Russell.  New awards to SCC are the adult education programs in Pulaski and Wayne.

Meece Auditorium renovations are nearly complete and it should become the most requested room by outside agencies now with a new sound system, television monitors throughout and the largest seating capacity on the Somerset Campus.  The Culinary Arts program will be across the hall from the Meece Auditorium and it is felt the two will be complimentary to each other.  Dr. Marshall also addressed the issues of the curtains in the Community Room, which are not working properly.  The curtains are very expensive to replace and alternatives are being sought.

In closing, Dr. Marshall expressed thoughts of her appreciation and gratitude to the Board members for the work and the support of the Board members through the years of her service. The Board members expressed their appreciation and leadership that Dr. Marshall has provided through the years.

Chair Remarks

Chair Harris announced that this would be the last Board meeting for Board member and student, Nicole Disney.  Also, Donna Eastham and Shawn Anderson will complete their service as of July 31.  In appreciation for their service to the Board, Chair Harris thanked them and presented each of them with a token of appreciation.

Action Item

Ms. Jill Meece, Chief Business Affairs Officer, presented the FY 2018–2019 Operating Budget Request.  The budget changed slightly from the one issued in the agenda books, so Ms. Meece pointed them to the revised budget request at their places.

After presentation of the budget request, Ms. Meece requested the Board of Directors approve the request of $59,116,300 for FY 2018-2019, as presented, with the understanding a few minor modifications may be made by KCTCS.

MOTION:  Mr. Davis moved that the Board approve the Budget Request as presented. Ms. Disney seconded the motion.

VOTE:  The motion passed unanimously.

Chair Remarks

Before adjournment, Chair Harris announced that invitations had been mailed for Dr. Marshall’s retirement celebration on May 31st at 7:00 p.m.  She also announced a reception for faculty, staff and students from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on the same day and invited Board members to attend both events.

Chair Harris announced the next scheduled meeting will be Thursday, July 26, 2018.  Also, Chair Harris reminded Board members of the tour that is being offered after the meeting.

In addition, usually the Board evaluates Dr. Marshall each year but since Dr. Marshall is retiring, we are awaiting word from KCTCS on whether or not the evaluation is necessary.  If an evaluation does need to be completed, Board members will be contacted about the process.


There being no further business, Ms. Eastham moved that the meeting adjourn.  Ms. Disney seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 1:34 p.m.

Date Approved by Board of Directors

Charlene Harris, Chair SCC Board of Directors
Signature on file

Cindy Clouse, Assistant Secretary SCC Board of Directors
Signature on file